Racing Industry looks to upskill future workforce, simplify processes
The racing industry is looking to upskill our workforce which will provide exciting vocational development opportunities throughout the sector.
This will mean licensing in New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing will undergo some change, as we bring our qualification standards in line with other sectors of the food and fibre industries.
It will mean that we will upskill our workforce by making vocational qualifications available to all as they learn on the job.
Most people in our industry already possess the necessary skillsets, and therefore we believe the formal qualifications will be easily secured by our experienced workforce, and offer an exciting vocational pathway for newcomers.
These new qualifications are not mandatory for those who hold licences, but we would encourage everyone to lead the way and enrol while also bringing your employees along with you.
The new licensing policy will also introduce Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for all current licence-holders. This will be designed to enhance the capabilities of those licence-holders and ensure they are up-to-date with a raft of ever-changing rules and regulations including health and safety and employment law.
“We are excited about the changing of licence categories to enhance pathways into the industry,” said NZTR Projects and Relationship Advisor, Matthew Williamson. “The changes have been designed working closely with the industry to introduce licences that work in the real world.
“We want to develop systems within the business to better service those who apply for licences as well as those with existing licences.
“We continue to streamline the process, looking for improved efficiencies in order to save the business time and money.”
This includes developing a digital application form which will be simpler and more effective.
Another potential improvement would be a digital licence housed in a simple app on your phone, with issuing completed in real time. A digital licence could be verified peer-to-peer and in any circumstance, with a physical card available if required.
Changes will be implemented along with the Single Nation System (SNS) in the new season with a digital licence in the coming months.
Abby Robinson has recently taken up the position of Licensing Officer after the departure of Rachel Dalley. We are excited about the new appointment, with Abby based out of the Cambridge office as we look to form a closer relationship with participants.
New Licence Categories
Trainer’s Licence Class B: this will combine the current Owner Trainer with Class B Trainer (Permit to train). Any person applying for a licence will need to meet the minimum requirement.
Assistant Trainer: The new Assistant Trainer’s licence has been very welcomed and will provide a true pathway for young aspirational trainers. Those who are qualified to become an assistant trainer will assist the Trainer with the day-to-day responsibilities of training horses. This will include being given the authority to nominated, scratch, declare Jockeys, withdraw horses, complete stable returns, and fronting media.
Pre-Trainer: A Pre-Trainer’s Licence will enable those licence-holders to use track facilities including jumpouts and will give NZTR a better picture of horse traceability.
Stable Assistant: A new Licence provided for those people who work on a voluntary basis or part-time and help at the races or around the stables.
Visiting Trainer, Jockey and Assistant: A new licensing category that will give visiting persons a temporary licence.