Standout Sectionals - 12/13 August

14 August 2022

Sectional Star of the week

Mrs Big Race 9 Tauranga 13 August

She would surely have won if she had got away on terms, instead of being six lengths last. She powered home for sixth in easily the best sectionals and watch out for her next up.

Sectional Standouts

Lock Up Race 4 Tauranga 13 August

From last he did very well to get up for third after being held up. His closing sectionals were the best in the race and he will be peaking next up.

Leicalot Race 8 Tauranga 13 August 

The way she charged home in clearly the best last 200m, shows she is right on track to strike third up.

Erebus Race 3 Woodville 12 August 

At his first go in R65 grade he did very well to hit the line strongly in the best last 200m. With that experience under his belt, he will harder to beat next up.

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