Stud Book

Browsing history: Le Filou (FR) 1946

Le Filou (FR) 1946

Foaling date: 01/01/1946
Death: -
Family: 16
DNA Typed: N
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: Unknown
Right shoulder: Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Amie (NZ) 1963 from Charmian (NZ) 1955
Anne Gable (NZ) 1965 from Avonlea (NZ) 1949
Babura (NZ) 1965 from Isolde (NZ) 1950
Crafty Queen (NZ) 1962 from Set Fair (NZ) 1950
Cumin (NZ) 1969 from Auriette (NZ) 1956
Dartmoor (NZ) 1964 from Lyndale (NZ) 1951
Deft Touch (NZ) 1966 from Hathaway (NZ) 1960
Fairy Walk (NZ) 1969 from Flying Florence (NZ) 1953
Filene (NZ) 1968 from Pirene (NZ) 1960
Frivole (NZ) 1965 from Froth (NZ) 1954
Gay Poss (NZ) 1966 from Sweet Time (NZ) 1960
Gay Snow (NZ) 1968 from Serene Blue (NZ) 1961
Gentle Filou (NZ) 1962 from Gentle Tact (NZ) 1949
Glad Rags (NZ) 1966 from Pink Lady (NZ) 1956
High Filou (NZ) 1962 from Shot Silk (NZ) 1948
Honour Me (NZ) 1963 from Calpurnia (NZ) 1951
Kerry Dawn (NZ) 1965 from Shamrock Queen (NZ) 1954
Kia Ora II (NZ) 1967 from Jovial Judy (NZ) 1959
Kind Regards (NZ) 1966 from Waft (NZ) 1956
La Dame (NZ) 1958 from Lady Cones (NZ) 1943
Lady Filou (NZ) 1969 from Beldalgo (GB) 1961
Leanthe (NZ) 1962 from Ianthe (NZ) 1949
Lerua (NZ) 1960 from Golden Rua (NZ) 1949
Leta Filou (NZ) 1967 from Ta-ta (NZ) 1952
Light Handed (NZ) 1966 from Naughty (NZ) 1953
Lou Fair (NZ) 1960 from Fair Miss (NZ) 1951
Mairin (NZ) 1961 from Bridie (NZ) 1953
Marica (NZ) 1961 from Isolde (NZ) 1950
Mer Voleuse (NZ) 1966 from Ocean Lore (NZ) 1951
Mia Bella (NZ) 1968 from Dulcie (NZ) 1953
Micheline (NZ) 1959 from Dulcie (NZ) 1953
Millbrae (NZ) 1959 from Set Fair (NZ) 1950
Miss Bruin (NZ) 1965 from Ursa (NZ) 1950
Miss Chick (NZ) 1968 from Gold Ruth (NZ) 1957
Miss Filou (NZ) 1962 from Simba (NZ) 1955
Miss Runaway (NZ) 1963 from Miss Underwood (NZ) 1950
Nance (NZ) 1957 from Aranga (NZ) 1950
Paris Flight (NZ) 1963 from Reno (NZ) 1947
Passionate (NZ) 1960 from Cuddlesome (NZ) 1948
Pen Filou (NZ) 1956 from Penzance (NZ) 1934
Pennyless (NZ) 1967 from Poor Little Rich Girl (GB) 1948
Sasinaz (NZ) 1963 from Payloch (NZ) 1948
Spendthrift (NZ) 1966 from Royal Standard (NZ) 1949
Tulamarie (NZ) 1969 from Marlation (NZ) 1957
Winamint (NZ) 1966 nsb from Hellowin (NZ) 1957 nsb
Windy Filou (NZ) 1966 from Windy City (NZ) 1953
    Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
    Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
    Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

    Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

    Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.