Stud Book

Browsing history: March Hywel (USA) 1977

March Hywel (USA) 1977

Foaling date: 01/01/1977
Death: -
Family: 4
DNA Typed: N
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: Unknown
Right shoulder: Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
April Gold (NZ) 1987 from Jarnell (NZ) 1976
Aurele (NZ) 1983 from Chippewa (NZ) 1972
Cinder Ash (NZ) 1991 from Southern Ash (NZ) 1982
Cinder Glow (NZ) 1990 from Southern Ash (NZ) 1982
Demoiselle (NZ) 1985 from Pat (NZ) 1971
El Quesima (NZ) 1986 from Imperial Miss (NZ) 1971
Ginger Varo (NZ) 1986 from Shavaro (NZ) 1972
High Spot (NZ) 1985 from Shavaro (NZ) 1972
Hy Vickie (NZ) 1987 from Victory Roll (NZ) 1981
Hygold (NZ) 1985 from Fabulon (NZ) 1969
Hylane (NZ) 1985 from Sharilane (NZ) 1977
Hywel Joy (NZ) 1985 from Adsjoy (NZ) 1977
Idle Glory (NZ) 1984 from Idle Blaze (NZ) 1971
Isoprel (NZ) 1984 from Naughty Bits (NZ) 1976
Jemmas Way (NZ) 1987 from Casta Diva (NZ) 1975
Jovial Jane (NZ) 1983 nsb from Jane Blithe (AUS) 1963 nsb
Legends Star (NZ) 1995 from Another Legend (NZ) 1983
Lizzy's Charm (NZ) 1988 from Levin (NZ) 1970
Malibu Miss (NZ) 1984 from Softly Softly (NZ) 1969
March Ahead (NZ) 1987 from Sister Clare (NZ) 1971
Marchfields (NZ) 1999 from Windfields (NZ) 1993
Marj's Fortune (NZ) 1989 from Star Fripon (NZ) 1977
Miss Marple (NZ) 1987 from Sally Symonds (NZ) 1977
Miss Tole (NZ) 1986 from Quintole (NZ) 1972
Now Now (NZ) 1985 from Jars (NZ) 1978
Rose Sherie (NZ) 1995 from Shernado (NZ) 1984
Seattle March (NZ) 1987 from Shepherd's Girl (NZ) 1970
Shoonette (NZ) 1988 from Battle Mate (NZ) 1979
Stoosh (NZ) 1990 from Naughty Bits (NZ) 1976
Tapestry (NZ) 1987 from Azamo (NZ) 1980
Teaspoon (NZ) 1988 from Night Work (NZ) 1983
Topsy Pearl (NZ) 1985 from Barbarella (NZ) 1978
Trick Star (NZ) 1984 from Uni Star (NZ) 1965
Vanoise (NZ) 1994 from French Influence (AUS) 1981
Wahine Nui (NZ) 1987 nsb from Bonna Banks (NZ) 1974 nsb
Welnoted (NZ) 1985 from Bonne Note (NZ) 1975
Wivenhoe (NZ) 1987 from Devonshire (NZ) 1980
Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
1989 37 17 7 0 2 3 8 0 75.00%
1990 29 14 4 0 3 1 7 0 72.00%
1991 22 11 4 0 1 2 4 0 78.95%
1992 15 6 0 0 0 1 8 0 42.86%
1993 11 5 1 0 0 1 4 0 60.00%
1994 5 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 100.00%
1995 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 50.00%
1996 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 100.00%
1997 10 7 1 0 0 0 2 0 80.00%
1998 6 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 80.00%
Total 142 70 19 0 9 9 35 0 71.77%

Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.