Stud Book

Browsing history: Showoff II (IRE) 1962

Showoff II (IRE) 1962

Foaling date: 01/01/1962
Death: -
Family: 7
DNA Typed: N
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: Unknown
Right shoulder: Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Aurelia (NZ) 1970 from Armored (NZ)
Bit of Gold (NZ) 1978 from Gold Eyes (NZ) 1971
Braless (NZ) 1974 from Snuggles (NZ) 1965
Caminare (NZ) 1972 from Skylon (NZ) 1949
Caper (NZ) 1968 from Sleepy Jean (NZ) 1949
Carroll Brae (NZ) 1970 from Blue Heather (NZ) 1958
Cielle (NZ) 1974 from Stanley Girl (NZ) 1966
Cilla Maria (NZ) 1972 from Lakonia (NZ) 1960
Claretuam (NZ) 1970 from Musicfield (NZ) 1965
Cuvet (NZ) 1975 from Song and Dance (NZ) 1964
Dac (NZ) 1973 from Gold Jae (NZ) 1965
Entice (NZ) 1972 from White Lace (NZ) 1964
Even Bid (NZ) 1975 from Synfal Lady (NZ) 1967
Far Hope (NZ) 1968 from Thanks (NZ) 1955
Fashion Lady (NZ) 1976 from High Lady (NZ) 1961
Felvin Lass (NZ) 1974 from Kia Lu (NZ) 1968
Flaunt (NZ) 1974 from Third Party (GB) 1969
Fleet Gazelle (NZ) 1974 from Camilla II (AUS) 1959
Fleet Street (NZ) 1968 from Gold Fleet (NZ) 1965
Floral Show (NZ) 1969 from Jane's Jenny (NZ) 1956
Follies (NZ) 1970 from Kurrent (NZ) 1965
Gan Bare (NZ) 1972 from Gay Denise (NZ) 1950
Glormac (NZ) 1976 from Golden Min (NZ) 1969
Gold Hit (NZ) 1977 from Proud Dancer (NZ) 1963
High Show (NZ) 1970 from High and Dry (NZ) 1958
Huntley (NZ) 1973 from Gay Gilpin (NZ) 1965
Idyll Show (NZ) 1967 from Idyll (NZ) 1953
Jaunty Spi (NZ) 1977 from Lucky Lin (NZ) 1964
Kadar Mai (NZ) 1972 from Belle Teal (NZ) 1959
Kaipaki Lass (NZ) 1970 from Mandalee (NZ) 1966
Kialoa (NZ) 1969 from Flying Gib (NZ) 1962
La Valise (NZ) 1972 from Lu Anne (NZ) 1963
Lady Kathleen (NZ) 1971 from Synteena (NZ) 1962
Lisadell (NZ) 1974 from Pundell (NZ) 1962
Lucky Show (NZ) 1968 from Ebb (NZ) 1957
Mi Princess (NZ) 1974 from Queen's Pride (NZ) 1962
Miss Ay Bee (NZ) 1972 from Gold Cross (NZ) 1964
Onyx (NZ) 1977 from Just a Chance (NZ) 1974
Our Gael (NZ) 1969 from Golden Haired (NZ) 1957
Oyzo (NZ) 1971 nsb from Pimm's (NZ) 1962 nsb
Penny Peel (NZ) 1971 from Blue Deal (NZ) 1964
Play Off (NZ) 1971 from Golden Haired (NZ) 1957
Pleasant Show (NZ) 1972 from Chatterley (NZ) 1961
Redress (NZ) 1978 from Snuggles (NZ) 1965
Reveal (NZ) 1977 from Maid of Belle Isle (NZ) 1966
Sashay (NZ) 1975 from Lovely Girl (NZ) 1954
Semblance (NZ) 1967 from Finola (NZ) 1946
Shartell (NZ) 1973 from Final Tell (NZ) 1965
Show Lady (NZ) 1973 from Deronic (NZ) 1966
Show Of Gold (NZ) 1977 from Sovereign Princess (NZ) 1965
Showglade Fair (NZ) 1970 from Blue Glade (NZ) 1961
Showme (NZ) 1969 from Lady Courtly (NZ)
Showreign (NZ) 1969 from Kareign (NZ) 1965
Showstopper (NZ) 1973 from Miss Minx (GB) 1968
Step Off (NZ) 1980 from Gold Step (NZ) 1973
Striptease (NZ) 1970 from Devil's Daughter (NZ) 1963
Struttin (NZ) 1978 from Pam Sue (NZ) 1959
Tisca (NZ) 1972 from Reeperbahn (NZ) 1964
Trini's Joy (NZ) 1972 from Trini (NZ) 1969
Valiant Show (NZ) 1973 nsb from Gayonic (NZ) 1966 nsb
Vistula (NZ) 1972 from Volga (NZ) 1957
    Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
    Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
    Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

    Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

    Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.