Stud Book

Browsing history: Royal Ridge (FR) 1962

Royal Ridge (FR) 1962

Foaling date: 01/01/1962
Death: -
Family: 22
DNA Typed: N
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: Unknown
Right shoulder: Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Abigail (NZ) 1975 nsb from Bellcara (NZ) 1962 nsb
Amron Flight (NZ) 1973 from Marine's Flight (NZ) 1961
Aspen Ridge (NZ) 1971 from Salment (NZ)
Bellaridge (NZ) 1976 from Bellaware (NZ) 1964
Chiming Princess (NZ) 1972 from War Chime (NZ) 1955
Clutha Ridge (NZ) 1976 from Poplar Grove (NZ) 1963
Connadagh (NZ) 1977 nsb from Gi-A-Rook (NZ) 1968 nsb
Copper Ridge (NZ) 1976 nsb from Copparo (NZ) 1963
Crown Flight (NZ) 1973 from Central Flight (NZ) 1958
Dark Eyes (NZ) 1975 from Chatpak (NZ) 1966
De Royal (NZ) 1973 from De Galard (NZ) 1952
Flibbertigibbet (NZ) 1973 from Meldrine (NZ) 1962
Golden Ridge (NZ) 1972 from Cirrus Song (NZ) 1955
Hang On (NZ) 1974 from Old Lace (NZ) 1968
Helen's Ridge (NZ) 1975 from Helen's Glory (NZ) 1968
High Risk (NZ) 1976 from Bardot (NZ) 1968
High Tea (NZ) 1976 from Cubette (NZ)
Highlight Dancer (NZ) 1978 nsb from Oyzo (NZ) 1971 nsb
Hiwinui (NZ) 1976 from Royal Rejoicing (NZ) 1963
Honey Cheval (NZ) 1974 from Chatpak (NZ) 1966
Horrieta (NZ) 1970 from Happy Song (NZ)
Jayanna (NZ) 1973 from Grey Boa (NZ) 1967
Josie Royal (NZ) 1972 from Old Lace (NZ) 1968
Like A Breeze (NZ) 1975 nsb from Jareen (NZ) 1965 nsb
Like A Royal (NZ) 1973 nsb from Jareen (NZ) 1965 nsb
Lili (NZ) 1972 from Know All (NZ) 1967
Lucky Day (NZ) 1977 nsb from Lovely Day (NZ) 1961 nsb
Madella (NZ) 1978 from Meldah (NZ) 1957
Magic Flame (NZ) 1976 from Magic Mirror (NZ) 1960
Mah Jong (NZ) 1974 from Desare Bell (NZ)
Maria Dee (NZ) 1970 from Our Susie (NZ) 1957
Matau Rose (NZ) 1976 from Blue Rose (NZ) 1960
Miss Wytell (NZ) 1973 from Wytell (NZ) 1963
Motel (NZ) 1970 from Wytell (NZ) 1963
Myr (NZ) 1970 from Premaris (NZ) 1964
Nimridge (NZ) 1973 from Nimbus Song (NZ) 1963
Or Bearer (NZ) 1978 from Petty Cash (NZ) 1966
Penang (NZ) 1970 nsb from How Soon (NZ) 1959 nsb
Perfectly Regal (NZ) 1972 from Perfecta (NZ) 1963
Princess Nardia (NZ) 1975 from Albie's Pride (NZ) 1964
Regal Cloud (NZ) 1977 from Hagen's Cloud (NZ) 1969
Regal Ridge (NZ) 1978 from Alkita (NZ) 1971
Regal Rose (NZ) 1976 from Maida Vale (NZ) 1965
Royal Lace (NZ) 1973 from Old Lace (NZ) 1968
Royal Lady (NZ) 1976 from Treasure Lady (NZ) 1968
Royal Rona (NZ) 1978 from Coaly Bay (NZ) 1970
Second Thoughts (NZ) 1973 from Free Lady (NZ) 1968
Tippity Witch (NZ) 1972 from Nimbus Song (NZ) 1963
War And Peace (NZ) 1973 from Perfecta (NZ) 1963
Win I Must (NZ) 1978 from Misty Fox (NZ) 1961
You Name It (NZ) 1976 from Corrie Common (NZ) 1967
    Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
    Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
    Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

    Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

    Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.