Stud Book

Sun And Shine (GB) 1979

Foaling date: 01/01/1979
Death: 01/09/1995
Family: 5
DNA Typed: N
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: NIL
Right shoulder: NIL
Breeder: Unknown
After Dark (NZ) 1990 from Mariensky (NZ) 1979
Beach Beat (NZ) 1987 from Tudor Light (NZ) 1972
Belle Sun (NZ) 1992 from Belvoir (NZ) 1982
Bollinger Star (NZ) 1991 from St Tropez (NZ) 1972
Cara Miro (NZ) 1988 from Theabold (NZ) 1976
Chauvauz Girl (NZ) 1988 from Pewsy Vale (NZ) 1983
Cinnamon Cindy (NZ) 1989 from Buy Now (NZ) 1977
Deloras Sun (NZ) 1987 from Delora (NZ) 1975
Dry July (NZ) 1991 from Battle Spray (NZ) 1977
Fire And Rain (NZ) 1989 from Palm Joy (NZ) 1982
Golden Shews (NZ) 1991 from Cashew (USA) 1983
Grey Opal (NZ) 1991 from Northern Opal (NZ) 1977
Hollywood Mist (NZ) 1990 from Willow (NZ) 1983
Jasben (NZ) 1990 from Roseanne (NZ) 1978
Jim's Missy (NZ) 1991 from Palm Joy (NZ) 1982
Jo Jo (NZ) 1987 from Hawaranee (NZ) 1971
Last Eclipse (NZ) 1991 from Tudor Legend (NZ) 1976
Lotus Cloud (NZ) 1987 from Zarnia (NZ) 1968
Magic Button (NZ) 1989 from Princess Pug (AUS) 1984
Melrose (NZ) 1990 from Vedo Bay (GB) 1980
Pithy (NZ) 1989 from Madam Quick (NZ) 1983
Prunning (NZ) 1990 from Four Roses (NZ) 1971
Qtol (NZ) 1992 from Pinks (NZ) 1981
Rocsun (NZ) 1989 from Rocky Dellah (NZ) 1973
Ruakiwi Charm (NZ) 1990 from Rua Hihita (NZ) 1973
Ruakiwi Emerald (NZ) 1991 from Ruakiwi Princess (NZ) 1978
Ruakiwi Secret (NZ) 1989 from Ruakiwi Lady (NZ) 1981
Ruakiwi Sunshine (NZ) 1988 from Ruakiwi Lady (NZ) 1981
Saturn Star (NZ) 1988 from Sandra Kae (NZ) 1976
Sayandra (NZ) 1988 from Jessanne (NZ) 1979
Shangaan (NZ) 1992 from Regent Princess (IRE) 1974
Shining Girl (NZ) 1988 from Hoia Girl (NZ) 1974
Shining Hi (NZ) 1990 from Hi Torvill (NZ) 1982
Silver Shine (NZ) 1991 from Silver Row (NZ) 1978
Silver Star (NZ) 1991 from Buy Now (NZ) 1977
Snow White (NZ) 1991 from Lady Light (NZ) 1983
Solar Dancer (NZ) 1989 from Tingo Time (NZ) 1977
Solar Rosa (NZ) 1991 from Four Roses (NZ) 1971
Starshine (NZ) 1987 nsb from Muscatine (NZ) 1983 nsb
Sun Dee Shine (NZ) 1990 from Debbie Dee (NZ) 1982
Sun Eclipse (NZ) 1989 from Dante Princess (USA) 1983
Sun Nymph (NZ) 1992 from Claquette (AUS) 1977
Sunquest (NZ) 1987 from Jessanne (NZ) 1979
Time To Tango (NZ) 1993 from Tango To Ragtime (NZ) 1983
Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
1989 91 47 8 0 7 1 28 0 66.27%
1990 84 50 12 1 7 1 13 0 82.67%
1991 23 16 0 0 2 1 4 0 80.00%
1992 20 10 5 0 0 1 4 0 78.95%
1993 12 5 3 0 1 0 3 0 72.73%
Total 230 128 28 1 17 4 52 0 75.00%

Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.