Stud Book

Browsing history: Mercury (AUS) 1986

Mercury (AUS) 1986

Foaling date: 14/10/1986
Death: 30/03/1994
Family: 14
DNA Typed: N
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: T THROUGH A
Right shoulder: 25 OVER 6
Breeder: Unknown
Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
1991 65 32 9 0 0 3 21 0 66.13%
1992 82 58 9 1 1 2 11 0 85.90%
1993 71 45 9 1 4 1 11 0 83.08%
Total 218 135 27 2 5 6 43 0 79.02%

Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.