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Meeting News

Return to Racing at Phar Lap Raceway

Return to Racing at Phar Lap Raceway

The final step of the Return to Racing process for Phar Lap Raceway was completed on Tuesday 10th September.

Nine horses galloped over the area where an issue occurred at the Clubs last meeting on June 9th.  The feedback from riders who rode Tuesday was very positive, saying that “the track was in beautiful order and didn’t shift at all”.

Also in attendance were representatives from the Racing Integrity Board, NZTR and the Regional Track Advisor.  All were happy with the track and how it was presented, with good grass cover.

The Club have recently had the track verti-drained and have also upgraded their bore, allowing for an improved, more consistent irrigation application.

The South Canterbury RC meeting will take place at Phar Lap Raceway on Wednesday 25th September.