Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Raceday and Trial Changes – Feb/March/May


Due to the unavailability of the Te Aroha, Tauranga and Hawke’s Bay tracks the following changes have been made:

Thursday 29 February: Unfortunately the Tauranga track, which was inspected after trials on Tuesday, will require more time to recover and will not be able to be used for next Thursday’s meeting (29 February). As a consequence this meeting will now be a Matamata meeting at Matamata. This means that Tuesday’s trials (27 February) will be moved to Cambridge.

Friday 8 March: This will now be a Taupo RC meeting at Taupo. The Mdn 1600m that was programmed will now be a Mdn 1750m while the Mdn 2200m race will become 2000m.

Thursday 23 May: This Hawke’s Bay meeting has moved to Sunday 26 May and will now be a Woodville-Pahiatua RC licence at Woodville.


With the movement of the above raceday, and other club-related issues, the trials for the Northern region will now be as follows:

Tues 27 February: Now Cambridge trials.

Tues 12 March: These trials have been pushed back 48 hours to Thursday 14 March due to the Taupo track being unavailable on the Tuesday.