Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Final Report Hastings Abandonment on 25 May

An NZTR Abandonment Review Committee (the Committee) was convened to inquire into the cause of the abandonment of Hawke's Bay Racing Inc.’s meeting on Thursday 25 May 2023. The Committee considered the reports on the abandonment of the meeting from Hawke's Bay Racing Inc., NZ Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI), and the Racing Integrity Board (RIB) Stewards, along with other evidence provided both on the day of the abandonment and post-raceday.

The Committee did make a recommendation arising out of its review of the abandonment of the meeting at Hawke’s Bay Racing Inc. On Thursday 25 May.

The Committee noted that Hawke's Bay Racing Inc.'s Track Manager, Mr Richard Fenwick, identified in the week leading up to the meeting that the track had “tightened” in some areas but did not believe that there was any reason to be concerned about the safety of the track for racing on Thursday 25 May. This assessment was, in effect, shared by NZSTI in its report which concluded a combination of the tightness in the track, heavy dew and earlier start time may have contributed.

In this case, the advice may well have been that no action was necessary. However, in the Committee’s view, raising an issue and potentially seeking advice from NZSTI or a second opinion from another member of the Regional Track Advisory group could result in improved outcomes overall. Therefore, we need to carefully consider (and where appropriate seek advice on) whether any steps should be taken to reduce the risk of an abandonment where any potential track issue has been identified.

After considering and discussing the reports, the Committee was satisfied, overall, that the abandonment of the meeting was not caused, or contributed to materially, by Hawke’s Bay Racing Inc. Accordingly, the Committee’s investigation into the abandonment of the meeting is now closed, a letter confirming the findings was sent to Hawkes Bay Racing Inc.