Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

NZTR Compensation Payments

Following the Abandonments at Awapuni – Friday 11 November & Riccarton – Saturday 12 November NZTR have agreed to pay the following compensation to affected participants:

  1. Awapuni – As per the standard NZTR Compensation guide which is attached to this message. Click here to view Compensation Guide
  2. Riccarton – Due to this meeting not being completed until the Monday it is not directly covered under the current Compensation Guidelines, but NZTR recognises the extra costs associated with the postponement to all participants despite all races being run across the two days.
  1. All horses entered in the 9 postponed races on Saturday will receive a subsidy in line with the meeting being in their region as per the Compensation Guide, as horses did not require to travel between the days and all race were run.
  2. Jockeys will receive compensation as per the guidelines for Saturday’s raceday. Those jockeys that incurred extra travel returning from Hastings on Sunday will receive additional compensation to assist with the cost of these flights.
  3. Given the unique situation, which is not entirely covered under the Compensation Guide, NZTR have also agreed that all trainers from outside the Canterbury region will also receive compensation to assist with the extra accommodation costs incurred by the postponement.

Please note the additional payments were decided as a one off due to the unique nature of the New Zealand Cup abandonment and partial-postponement and the extra travel & accommodation cost associated with the large number of visiting participants.

As previously advised, NZTR is awaiting individual reports from the respective Clubs and the RIB before making any further decisions regarding Club Funding for these racedays. NZTR will also put in place additional protocols, which will be communicated after the Regional Track Manager Meeting on Monday, to further support Clubs going forward to ensure surfaces are being prepared in line with the Track Preparation Guidelines and that any issues are identified at the earliest possible opportunity. As per the recent Club Circular the responsibility to prepare a safe racing surface remains the responsibility of the Club, NZTR encourage the Clubs to utilise the resources of the Regional Track Managers for support, advice and the regional Track Equipment that is also available.