Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Avondale – Update Thursday 27 October

Following on from the abandonment of the trials at Avondale on Tuesday, Regional Track Advisor Jason Fulford has been onsite on Tuesday evening to inspect the track and has worked closely with the Avondale JC track staff to put in place an irrigation plan through to raceday on Wednesday 2 November.  

Jason Fulford and NZTR Representative Matthew Williamson inspected the track on Thursday 27 October to ensure the irrigation plan is sufficient and also to finalise a plan which will also involve moving the running rail to 3m. The Club will also gallop horses on the track on Monday morning. The track will continue to be monitored by NZ Thoroughbred Racing and the Regional Track Advisor through to Wednesday to ensure the provision of a safe racing surface.

New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing are currently working through the possibility of compensation for horses affected by the abandonment with the Avondale Jockey Club and will provide a further update to the industry regarding this as soon as possible.


Darin Balcombe

Chief Operating Officer