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Meeting News

Selection of MAAT Fields– Cambridge 27 July

Cambridge will once again hold four $40,000 MAAT races for their final meeting of the 21/22 season.

The fields for these four races will be selected on the following basis notwithstanding horses must have been maidens as at midnight on Tuesday 17 May 2022.


Points will be awarded as follows for meetings held on the Cambridge track since 1 August 2021:

1st 7 points, 2nd 5 points, 3rd 3 points, 4th 2 points, every other starter receives 1 point.

For the four MAAT races the following will apply:

Cambridge synthetic winners since 17 May shall be exempt from any ballot in the finals. Excess horses, if any, shall be eliminated in the following order;

  1. Horses that have not competed on the Cambridge synthetic since 1 August 2021, lowest rating eliminated first.
  2. Horses that have earned points in the series. Horses with the least number of points first. In the event two or more horses having an equal number of points, preference will be given to the higher rated horses. Horses with equal points and the same rating will be eliminated by lot.

The remaining races on the day will be selected as per the usual criteria.