Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Ellerslie Trials | Friday 28 January TRIAL DAY

Trial Day
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 4 
Rail: True
Weather and Track updated at 7.15am Friday 28 January
Nomination Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 4 
Rail: True | 2mm Rain Last 24 Hours 
Weather and Track updated at 8.12am Thursday 27 January
The MDN 1200m has been deleted due to excessive nominations.
Also, a number of horses have been randomly selected and eliminated from the MDN 1000m. If a horse is missing from the final fields for the MDN 1000m that horse has been eliminated, This is due to the 180 horse safety limit @ Ellerslie.
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 4
Rail: True
Trials Fees $115.00 GST Inc + riding fee Standard NZTR regulations apply. All Trainers are advised that horses participating in races and trials must wear racing plates or specifically approved shoes such as glue on shoes. Work shoes are not permitted to be used in races or trials and any horse presented wearing unapproved plates or shoes will be scratched and the trainer may be charged.
Click here to view Trial Acceptances