Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

ATR at Pukekohe Postponed until Monday

The race-meeting scheduled for Pukekohe Park tomorrow has been postponed until Monday 20 December.  As at 4pm over 50mm of rain had been received at the track in the previous 24 hours. Up to 25mm of rain may be received in the 12 hours leading into race morning. With this information and the wish not to have a cancellation on race morning for reasons of safety the decision was made to postpone until Monday. There was a real chance of not being able to complete the meeting tomorrow. The track is unavailable for use on Sunday due to a prior booking.

NZTR, ATR Club Officials and the Trainers Assn have collectively come to this decision. Fields remain the same with all scratchings re-instated however there will be a new timetable (tba).

The Ellerslie trials will NOT take place this Thursday. Information relating to the Ellerslie and Cambridge trials pre-Christmas will be released tomorrow (Wednesday).