Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Covid Update

Today's Post Cabinet announcement that the Waikato will move back to Alert Level 2 from 11.59pm tomorrow will not impact the Rotorua meeting, but will provide relief for trainers in that region from Wednesday onward.  

NZTR has also announced the implementation of a travel subsidy payment to Northland trainers, to assit with additional staff and travel costs due to travel restrictions in the upper North Island.

All trainers north of the Auckland covid border will receive a $200 backdated payment per starter they have had at race days and trials since 1 September. This payment will be made as a part of their next trainers’ payment.

Subsequent payments will be made each fortnight while Covid travel restrictions remain in place in the upper North Island.

Any questions regarding the subsidy or its subsequent payments can be sent to