Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Racing Taupo | Wednesday 6 October | RACE DAY

Race Day 
Weather: Fine
Track: Now Slow 9 (previously Slow 8 @ 6.42am)
Rail: True | No Rain
Weather and Track last updated at 12.59pm Wednesday 6 October
Race Day 
Weather: Fine
Track: Slow 8
Rail: True | No Rain
Weather and Track last updated at 6.42am Wednesday 6 October
Tuesday Afternoon
Weather: Fine
Track: Slow 9
Rail: True | 20mm Rain Last 24hrs
Weather and Track last updated at 4.13pm Tuesday 05 October
Tuesday Morning 
Weather: Fine
Track: Slow 7
Rail: True | 12mm Rain Last 24hrs
Weather and Track last updated at 9.09am Tuesday 05 October
Monday Morning 
Weather: Cloudy
Track: Slow 7
Rail: True | 12mm Rain Last 24hrs
Weather and Track last updated at 2.26pm Monday 04 October
Withdrawal Morning 
Weather: Cloudy
Track: Dead 5
Rail: True | Rain
Weather and Track last updated at 9.02am Saturday 02 October
Nomination Morning 
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: True
Weather and Track last updated at 7.38am Friday 01 October
Apprentice Riders:
Tegan Newman (a2) c/- 0211 715 703
Bailey Rogerson (a3) 021 921 465
Maria Sanson (a4) 021 145 9230
Taiki Yanagida (a1) c/- 021 147 7378
Senior Riders:
Lisa Allpress c/- 027 639 2008
Sam Collett c/- 021 260 7170
Darren Danis c/- 027 354 1173
Bridget Grylls c/- 027 948 2892
Leah Hemi c/- 021 0238 1568
Mereana Hudson 022 347 9649
Shaun McKay c/- 027 855 7555
Michael McNab c/- 027 639 2008
Sam Weatherley c/- 021 260 7170
Following consultation with the New Zealand Trainers’ Association & Racing Clubs, it has been agreed that entry to the Saddling Enclosures at all thoroughbred racing venues will be restricted to Licensed Trainers & Registered Persons. In conjunction with this directive, the minimum age for staff to enter these areas is 14 years unless a Stipendiary Steward has granted prior approval. In order to enforce this policy, Licensed Trainers and Licensed Persons must display their official NZTR ID card to gain access to the Saddling Enclosure areas on raceday