Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Pakuranga Hunt Meeting – Contingency Plan

In the event that the Pakuranga Hunt meeting on Sunday 19 September cannot be staged at Ellerslie due to Covid alert levels it will take place at Te Aroha. The programme will remain the same with the exception that the R74 1200m showing in the hard-copy RPG will now be an Open 1200m race. This meeting will also see the running of the final Amateur Riders’ race of the season.  There will, however, be some distance changes for the jump races as follows:

Mdn Hurdle                     3100m (was 2760m)

Open Hurdle                   3100m (was 3350m)

Mdn Steeplechase          3500m (was 4150m)

Open Steeplechase        4200m (was 4900m)