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Meeting News

COVID UPDATE 7 September

COVID UPDATE 7 September

This morning a meeting was held with racing clubs that are scheduled to race over the next fortnight. 

After discussion, NZTR have decided that until Tuesday September 14, the NZTR Alert Level 3 protocols will continue to prevail, with NZTR under its discretion approving the following amendments in procedures:

  • Temperature testing will only be required for jockeys, club staff and officials that work in the areas adjoining the weigh-room and jockeys rooms;
  • Clubs may provide a basic food option on course;
  • A ban on Interisland movements for jockeys, trainers, strappers and officials remains in place until at least early next week, after which a ‘clear COVID test’ requirement will be introduced to enable their initial interisland travel (float drivers will be encompassed too).  Otherwise, given the easing of government restrictions on travel in areas excluding Auckland from midnight tonight, participants will be able to travel without constraint within each island (including Northland trainers who may traverse Auckland).

As a consequence please note that:

  • Race or trial meetings up to and including Tuesday 14 September will be conducted as ‘closed door’ meetings with no owners, sponsors, members or other public entitled to attend.
  • Rules around mask wearing in all raceday and training areas will be maintained as per current Level 3 requirements.  Health declarations continue to be required on entry to race or trial meetings.

Further updates on protocols will be provided early next week.