Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

On-course attendance - this weekend's racing

Please see following details regarding on-course attendance while New Zealand is at Alert levels 2 & 3.  We will continue to keep this information updated.
Auckland RC - Vodafone Derby Day, Sunday 7 March at Ellerslie
Following this afternoon's announcement from Government regarding Auckland moving to Alert Level 2 on Sunday morning, Vodafone Derby Day will go ahead at Ellerslie.
Owners with horses running will need to RSVP to an email from Auckland Racing Club, if they wish to attend.
Given the short turnaround owners are advised to check for this email and, should they have any queries please contact Craig Baker via email
Otago RC - Breeders Day, Saturday 6 March at Wingatui
This raceday will be held behind closed doors with only licensed and essential staff on-course.
Marton JC and Rangitikei Race Day, Saturday 6 March at Awapuni
Owners with horses running who would like to attend must register by 12pm on Friday 5 March 2021.  This will be on a strictly first come registration basis and will be cut off at 100 guests.
Please contact Deanna Walzl via email or call 06 356 4940