Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Key points for Trainers - COVID-19 Alert Level 2

Key points for trainers to note for trials and race meetings under alert level 2 protocols:

  • Operating as closed-door events, so owners are unable to attend
  • Trainers must advise name/s of staff attending race meetings to the racing club PRIOR to the race day
  • Trainers and staff must present and have visible, their NZTR licences
  • Trainers and staff must leave the course as soon as practical following the completion of their horse/s race/s
  • Masks must be worn by those in the birdcage and weighing area
  • Trainers with multiple runners utilizing more than one jockey must bring sufficient sets of colours to allow one set per jockey (otherwise, alternate colours will be allocated)
  • Only trainers and staff with horses racing/trialling on the day are permitted on course