Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Closed door meetings

Following a meeting between NZTR, stewards and club representatives it has been decided that today’s meeting at Taupo and Friday’s at Waverley will be closed-door events.

This is based on the government’s announcement of a return to alert level 3 in the Auckland Super-City region and alert level 2 for the remainder of the country from midday today until midnight on Friday. 

While gatherings of up to 100 people are permitted under alert level 2, the short lead in time to allow for preparations led to the decision to return to closed- door meetings to protect industry participants.

Contact tracing, temperature checks, social distancing and encouraging the liberal use of hand sanitizer will also be reintroduced at these meetings.

A decision on Riccarton, racing on Saturday, and Ruakaka, now racing on Sunday, will be made once there is greater clarity from the government.