Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Amended Horse Welfare Directive

27 March 2020

NZTR CIRCULAR 2019/20 – No.23


The attached Directive was updated today to include provisions specific to those Trainers or pre-trainers with their own self-contained properties. NZTR’s very clear expectation is that all involved in racing must recognise that, with the focus of our health care professionals on the COVID-19 pandemic, they should not be taking any unnecessary risks.  The advice from authorities is to apply common sense and do not do anything which might require someone else having to put themselves in danger to assist you, nor impose on the health care sector which we all need support in the country’s effort to quickly quell and overcome COVID-19.

Please contact Martin Burns ( or 027 5110 348) if you require any clarification.