Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Racing Te Aroha | Wednesday 12 February RACE DAY

Race Day
Weather: Fine
Track: Now Good 3 (previously Dead 4 @ 6.35am)
Rail: Out 4m 
Weather and Track Updated at 1.40pm Wednesday 12 February
Tuesday Afternoon
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: Out 4m 
Weather and Track Updated at 4.10pm Tuesday 11 February
Tuesday Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: Out 4m | Irrigating
Weather and Track Updated at 7.35sm Tuesday 11 February
Monday Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: Out 4m | Irrigating
Weather and Track Updated at 8.10am Monday 10 February
Withdrawal Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: Out 4m | Irrigating
Weather and Track Updated at 7.20am Saturday 8 February
Nomination Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: Out 4m | Irrigating
Weather and Track Updated at 8.23am Friday 7 February
All races will remain open until 9am Saturday 8 February
Apprentice Riders
Nafish Alam (a4) 021 061 4754
Darren Danis (a2) 027 467 6151
Ashvin Goindasamy (a3) 021 255 2261
Masa Hashizume (a3) 027 363 4089
Tegan Newman (a3) c/- 0211 715 703
Taiki Yanagida (a2) c/- 021 260 7170
Senior Riders
Andrew Calder c/- 0273 790 420
Sam Collett c/- 021 260 7170
Reese Jones c/- 021 506 589
Ryoya Kozaki c/- 0273 790 420
Shaun McKay c/- 027 673 2282
Richard Oliver c/- 0274 351 015
Jason Waddell  021 1477378
Following consultation with the New Zealand Trainers’ Association & Racing Clubs, it has been agreed that entry to the Saddling Enclosures at all thoroughbred racing venues will be restricted to Licensed Trainers &  Registered Persons. In conjunction with this directive, the minimum age for staff to enter these areas is 14 years unless a Stipendiary Steward has granted prior approval. In order to enforce this policy, Licensed Trainers and Licensed Persons must display their official NZTR ID card to gain access to the Saddling Enclosure areas on raceday.
Click here to view acceptances