Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Wellington RC | Saturday 18 January RACE DAY

Race Day
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 4
Rail: True 
Weather and Track updated at 6.53am Saturday 18 January
Friday Afternoon
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 4
Rail: True | 12mm Irrigation Last Night
Weather and Track updated at 2.54pm Friday 17 January
Friday Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: True | 12mm Irrigation Last Night
Weather and Track Updated at 7.08am Friday 17 January
Thursday Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 4
Rail: True
Weather and Track Updated at 7.22am Thursday 16 January
Withdrawal Morning
Weather: Fine
Track: Dead 5
Rail: True
Weather and Track Updated at 7.26am Wednesday 15 January
Nomination Morning
Weather: Fine 
Track: Dead 5
Rail: True | 16mm rain last 24 hours
Weather and Track Updated at 7.08am Tuesday 14 January
Apprentice Riders:
Bridie Ansell (a3) 021 146 1587
Masa Hashizume (a3) 027 363 4089
Mereana Hudson (a3) 029 129 8718
Jasmine Fawcett (a1) 027 815 5963
Sarah Macnab (a2) 021 123 1858
Charlotte O'Beirne (a2) 027 922 3081
Temiya Taiaroa (a4) c/- 027 433 8861
Sam Weatherley (a0) c/-027 639 2008
Senior Riders:
Holly Andrew c/- 027 443 1175
Opie Bosson c/-027 639 2008
Darryl Bradley 021 430 083
Matt Cameron c/- 021 944 819
Michael Coleman 027 285 5212
Sam Collett c/- 021 260 7170
Chris Dell  021 444 010
Ryan Elliot c/- 0210 384 962
Craig Grylls c/- 021 260 7170
Robbie Hannam c/- 021 0257 1931
Leah Hemi c/- 021 0238 1568
Rory Hutchings c/- 0276392008
Ryoya Kozaki c/- 0273 790 420
Shaun McKay c/- 027 491 9689
Ryan Maloney c/- +61 434 379 706
Michael McNab c/- 027 639 2008
Rosie Myers 0274 668 665
Richard Oliver c/- 0274 351 015
Johnathan Parkes c/- 021 025 91555
Jonathan Riddell c/- 021 944 819
Madan Singh 021 295 8837
Sam Spratt c/- 021 944 819
Trudy Thornton 027 451 9380
Dylan Turner c/- 027 443 1175
Jason Waddell  021 1477378
Due to the availability of stalls on Wellington Cup Day, the Wellington Racing Club will put in a tie up stall allocation on Levin Classic Day and Wellington Cup Day. 
With a limit to the number of tie up stalls and the likelihood of over 100 runners on both days we are clearly asking for your co-operation. 
We will allocate stalls on the numbers to runners basis and where they are racing on the days racing programme. This will require horses to be swapped over from the boxes or tie up stalls near the truck park. This means that there will be no allocation for “ponies” which have taken up valuable space in the past. 
An allocation plan will be emailed out by NZTR on Thursday afternoon so trainers / strappers know where they have been allocated and the numbers of stalls they have to use in advance of Saturday.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Following consultation with the New Zealand Trainers’ Association & Racing Clubs, it has been agreed that entry to the Saddling Enclosures at all thoroughbred racing venues will be restricted to Licensed Trainers &  Registered Persons. In conjunction with this directive, the minimum age for staff to enter these areas is 14 years unless a Stipendiary Steward has granted prior approval. In order to enforce this policy, Licensed Trainers and Licensed Persons must display their official NZTR ID card to gain access to the Saddling Enclosure areas on raceday.
Click to view acceptances