Meeting News Article / Meetings / RaceInfo / LOVERACING.NZ

Meeting News

Southland RC | Saturday 14 December RACE DAY

Race Day
Weather: Fine
Track: Slow 8
Rail: True | 4mm Rain Overnight
Weather and Track Updated at 6.30am Saturday 14 December
Friday Afternoon
Weather: Fine
Track: Slow 8
Rail: True | 4mm Rain Last 24 Hours
Weather and Track Updated at 4.14pm Friday 13 December
Friday Afternoon
Weather: Raining
Track: Slow 8
Rail: True | 4mm Rain Last 24 Hours
Weather and Track Updated at 3.38pm Friday 13 December
Friday Morning
Weather: Overcast
Track: Dead 6
Rail: True | 2mm Rain Last 24 Hours
Weather and Track Updated at 7.59am Friday 13 December
Withdrawal Morning
Weather: Overcast
Track: Slow 7
Rail: True | 8mm Rain Last 24 Hours
Weather and Track Updated at 8.19am Wednesday 11 December
Nomination Morning
Weather: Overcast
Track: Dead 6
Rail: True | No rain last 24 hours
Weather and Track Updated at 8.02am Tuesday 10 December
Pleae note the Club is offering free nominations and acceptances to all "STARTERS" at this meeting.
Apprentice Riders:
Sanu Toolooa (a3) c/- 027 624 6142
Senior Riders:
Daniel Bothamley 0275 462 960
"Ascot Park Christmas at the Races is an R18 event meaning no minors will be able to attend the event even with parental supervision.  The only exception to this rule is any authorised racing industry participants such as jockeys, stablehands, strappers etc.  These employees will need to enter the course via the stabling area and call in to the Race Day office to receive a wristband that will identify them as an accepted minor on course. No person under the age of 18 years may be sold or supplied alcohol at this event. 
All trainers, owners/syndicate managers with their name listed in the race book will receive a dedicated owner’s wristband at the gate or trainers can pick them up at the race day office.  The wristband is your wallet on course and comes pre-loaded with two drinks that can be redeemed in the members bars (Lenny's Bar & the Members Bar on the First Level of the Main Stand).  Complimentary race books are available from either the race day office or members bars.  The wristbands can be loaded with currency from the members bars that will enable you to buy food & drink on course.  Any currency on the wristband at the end of your day can be refunded either by visiting the AWOP kiosk or visiting the AWOP website after the event and supplying your bank account details to receive your refund."
Your owner’s wristband will give you access to the marquee village and main stand which is a ticketed location.
Click here to view Acceptances