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Meeting News

Hawke's Bay RI - Tie Up Stall Allocation

Hastings Tie Up Stall Allocation

In response to a complaint about the tie up stall area on Windsor Park Plate day Hawke’s Bay Racing have been forced to allocate tie ups for this coming Saturday, Livamol Classic day. With 95 functional tie up stalls and the likelihood of around 120 runners Saturday clearly we are in a position of needing to ask for co-operation from trainers. We have allocated tie ups based on number of runners, where they are in the days programme and proximity to “home” stables.

 This will require horses to be walked or equally the use of the Wall Road stable complex for swapping horses over during the day. Clearly there is no allocation of tie ups for “ponies” which in the past have taken up valuable tie up space.

 A tie up plan will be emailed by NZTR Thursday afternoon so everyone knows where they are positioned and the number of tie ups allocated in advance of Saturday.

 Hawke’s Bay Racing takes the opportunity to thank you all in advance for your co-operation.