NZTR support TAB NZ – Entain strategic partnering announcement
New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) Board and management would like to acknowledge the announcement of TAB NZ’s selection of Entain as its preferred partner for a 25-year strategic partnering arrangement.
On behalf of the Board, NZTR Chair Cameron George, endorsed the proposal that was announced this week.
“NZTR are in support of this announcement and are excited about the opportunities it presents our industry in relation to funding certainty, as well as activities for racing and sport enthusiasts.”
“We recognise the potential benefit this will have towards stakeholders, providing confidence and the opportunity for growth and investment,” George said.
NZTR CEO, Bruce Sharrock, thanked the effort of the TAB NZ Board and management.
“We would like to acknowledge TAB NZ for their dedicated work on this significant workstream. We see this as the critical shift needed to support the long-term sustainability of the racing industry and its supporting codes.”
“We are heartened by what the potential arrangement will bring in terms of funding security and uplift, as well as the ability to innovate within our industry,” Sharrock commented.
While the strategic partnership is subject to Ministerial approval, NZTR await the detail on exactly how the benefits will flow through to the wider industry.
“Over the coming weeks we will be working on how this will be shaped and as soon as the commercial confidentially agreement is removed, we will make this information available,” Sharrock added.
This announcement coincides with a number of positive developments currently underway throughout New Zealand’s thoroughbred industry, with much needed investment into tracks and infrastructure across the country.
“The announcement made by TAB NZ continues the positive momentum for our industry,” George said.
More information about the full TAB NZ – Entain Strategic Partnership is available to view here.