Star on the rise, Kelsey Hannan.  Photo: Nicole Troost Photography

60 Seconds With - Kelsey Hannan

29 September 2022

It's every young apprentices dream to get the opportunity to ride in their first Group One race, and this Saturday that dream will become a reality for young star on the rise Kelsey Hannan when she partners up with White Noise in the Gr.1 Arrowfield Stud Plate at Hawkes Bay Racing!

Get to know more about Kelsey in this edition of 60 Seconds With - Kelsey Hannan!

1. What is one interesting thing most people wouldn’t know about you?

Before I got serious about horses, I raced Go Karts!

2. What is your biggest motivation?

Probably my family, and the want to succeed.

3. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Lasagne, 100%!

4. If you could choose anything at all to do for one day, what would it be and why?

Drive a supercar, I have always wanted to drive one!

5. What made you decide to become a jockey?

I’m little and I love horses, I never had the connections so when the chance came I took it and haven’t looked back since.

6. Who do you look up to in the racing industry?

Noel Harris, like a lot of other apprentices, I’m sure. He has really been there for me through it all whether its to do with racing and riding advice, or just if I need someone to talk to. My boss Shaun Phelan is someone I really look up to as well. He makes everything so natural and never panics.

7. If you could ride any horse, living or dead, which horse would you like to ride?


8. What are your goals for your riding career?

I want to ride internationally and be successful.

9. What is your favourite thing about working in the racing industry?

Probably just the fact that every day is different and there is always more to learn.

10. What advice would you give to someone looking to enter the racing industry?

It would be to keep an open mind about everything as much as you can because there's more than one right way to do something and the more you know, the better you can be!

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