Standout Sectionals - 27 August

29 August 2022

Sectional Star Of The Week

Cleese Race 8 Te Rapa August 27

He charged home for second in easily the best closing sectionals. He had big loping strides which shows that more ground next up will suit much better.

Sectional Standouts

Demonetization Race 6 Te Rapa August 27

The way he hit the line hard in the second fastest last 200m, after overcoming a bad run, shows he still has what it takes to win a good race.

Wild Night Race 1 Te Rapa August 27

After settling towards the rear he sustained a strong finish in the best sectionals for sixth. One to watch out for over more ground.

Flat Track Bully Race 2 Te Rapa August 27

Sitting three wide in the open on a good pace meant he had no chance of winning, so to stick on for sixth was a good effort. One to keep an eye out for as he was unlucky two starts back.

Macushla Race 5 Te Rapa August 27

She flew home in very good sectionals and is close to another win.

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