Standout Sectionals - 6 August

8 August 2022

Sectional Star of the Week

Dragon Leap  6 August Ruakaka  Race 8

The way he came home for second in the fastest closing sectionals all day, shows that he is in for a very lucrative season. Over more ground he will obviously be much harder to beat.

Sectional standouts

Shockatillatap  6 August Ruakaka Race 2 

He put away a good horse in Arjay's Flight with a gap to the rest in good time. Don't be surprised if he repeats the dose up in grade. His sectionals were the best in the race.

Lord Cosmos 6 August Ruakaka Race 4 

The way he wound up and hit the line over 1100m in the second best sectionals, shows that he is right on track for an excellent season over more ground.

Anna Tait  6 August Ruakaka Race 6

She blew this race by running wide on the bend but the way she fought back in the best last 200m, shows that when she gets back on a left handed track she will be tough to beat.

Husk 6 August Riccarton Race 6

He came home strongly for second in clearly the best sectionals with a gap to the rest. One to watch out for on the last day.

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