Eleanor Campbell on Winter Raceday Dressing
If you're going to take fashion advice from anyone, current New Zealand racewear titleholder Eleanor Campbell is that person! We caught up with Eleanor to chat about the big win and all things winter racing fashion.
Firstly, a big congratulations on your win in The Ned Prix de Fashion! What did the win mean to you?
It was a huge thrill to finally take out the big one after being a regional finalist so many times.
You clearly know a thing or two about putting together a winning raceday look! Where does one start when putting together an outfit for the races?
I usually start with a dress that I love or style I want to recreate and work from there. Looking for cute shoes and bags is always my favourite part.
What are your top tips for dressing for a winter raceday?
Making sure your outfit is made of a winter fabric. I think it can even be pastel coloured, as long as it’s a winter appropriate material.
What trends are you loving this winter?
I’m always a sucker for a classic winter check look.
What advice would you give someone looking to enter a FITF competition for the first time?
Do your homework on what is raceday appropriate and what’s on trend.
Finish the sentence: No raceday outfit is complete without...
Amazing millinery to top off your look.
(Apart from the fashion) what do you love about a day at the races?
For me it’s a day off and a chance to wear beautiful clothes that we don’t get to wear that often anymore. I’ve had some great fun with easy bets too!!