NZTR Covid Update
Following the government’s recent announcement about the move to its proposed Traffic Light framework (COVID-19 Protection Framework) NZTR has consulted with clubs regarding the need for vaccination certificates at their events.
Clubs have clearly indicated to NZTR that once the new framework is in place it is their intention to hold race meetings and trials as events requiring vaccination certificates from those who attend.
NZTR supports this approach as it will not only ensure the safety of all those working and attending our events, but also provides more certainty for clubs and our participants.
As the framework currently stands events can be held under all three levels. However, those events requiring vaccination certificates have no limits on numbers of attendees in Green and Orange, and restrictions at Red.
In comparison, attendances at events without vaccination certificates are not permitted under Red and Orange and have limited numbers under Green.
The Prime Minister confirmed on Wednesday that no region will enter the system at Green, so regions – depending upon their individual DHB vaccination rates – can expect to move into either Red or Orange.
Race meetings and trials will join numerous other events and activities in New Zealand which will require vaccination certificates when the country moves into the new framework.
NZTR expects to be able to provide more information as more detail becomes available from government.
In the meantime, we would encourage anyone hoping to attend, work at, or participate in a summer race meeting over the holiday period to ensure they are double vaccinated and have downloaded their My Vaccine Pass from mycovidreport.health.nz.