Bruce Sherwin appointed to IFHA Executive Council
The Executive Council of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) met on 4 October 2021 at the offices of France Galop and via Zoom. The meeting was led by new IFHA Chair Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, who succeeded Louis Romanet, longtime Chairman of the Federation. Romanet attended the meeting as Chairman Emeritus.
The meeting also marked the commencement of the terms for Jim Gagliano, Brian Kavanagh, Masayuki Goto, and Horacio Esposito as Vice-Chairs of the IFHA. The Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Federation will serve a three-year mandate from 2021 to 2024.
Further information about the newly elected Chair and Vice-Chairs can be found at
Appointments to the Executive Council were approved for Bruce Sherwin, Director of New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing, and Dr Paull Khan, Secretary-General of the European and Mediterranean Horseracing Federation (EMHF), as rotating members representing "developing racing countries". Sherwin was nominated by the Asian Racing Federation, and Khan by the EMHF, each appointed for a 3-year-term.
Additionally, the Executive Council endorsed the chair and nominations to its Finance Committee and appointed a chair to its Governance Committee. A Commercial and Marketing Committee was formed and its chair selected. And finally, the Executive Council approved the selection of key positions for its global Executive Office.
The Finance Committee’s primary objectives are to provide practical advice and assistance in relation to the IFHA’s budgeting processes and decisions; financial risk management; internal financial control systems and reporting; external reporting and external audit processes; and general oversight in relation to the financial activities of the IFHA. Jim Lawson, Woodbine Entertainment Group, will chair the Finance Committee. Oscar Bertoletti, CEO of OSAF; Olivier Delloye, CEO of France Galop; Suzanne Eade, Chief Executive for Horse Racing Ireland; and Greg Nichols, Director of Racing Victoria, constitute this committee.
The Governance Committee, to be chaired by BHA Chief Executive Julie Harrington, is tasked with providing the IFHA Executive Council with advice and recommendations in relation to governance matters related to the IFHA and to generally assist the IFHA to maintain good governance practices. Full appointments to the Governance Committees will be announced in December 2021.
A new Committee was established to focus on Commercial and Marketing matters. This Committee will be chaired by Olivier Delloye, with appointments to the committee to be confirmed in due course.
The Executive Council approved the appointment of an Executive Director and three directors to its global Executive Office. Andrew Harding will continue to lead the Executive Office as the Federation’s Executive Director. Andrew Chesser, Manager of Registration Services for The Jockey Club (USA) and previously Secretary General for the IFHA; James Ogilvy, Executive Manager, International and Racing Regulation at The Hong Kong Jockey Club and previously Technical Advisor for the IFHA; and Henri Pouret, Managing Director, Racing Operations for France Galop, were all named Directors of the IFHA global Executive Office.