NZTR COVID-19 Racing Update
As at Monday 4 October 6:00pm
Earlier this afternoon, the New Zealand Government announced that Auckland will remain in Alert Level 3 until a date yet to be determined. As previously announced yesterday, Hamilton, Raglan and some northern Waikato areas will be in Alert Level 3 until at least 11:59pm on Friday 8 October.
The remainder of New Zealand remains in Alert Level 2 until a date yet to be determined.
The Government additionally announced this afternoon the easing of some Alert Level 2 restrictions, namely that the 100-person cap in hospitality venues would no longer apply, although people would still have to be seated and distanced.
Impact on race meetings
NZTR and the clubs are adopting a cautious approach around raceday attendances, and as such, respective clubs have made the following decisions.
Closed Door Meetings
The following meetings will be run as ‘closed door’ meetings:
- Tuesday 5 October Otaki Trials
- Wednesday 6 October Taupo RC Races
- Thursday 7 October Manawatu RC Races
- Friday 8 October South Canterbury RC Races
Limited Attendances
Respective clubs have decided that the following meetings will provide for limited pre-booked attendances for owners, sponsors or other defined groups:
- Tuesday 5 October Riccarton Park Trials
Please contact respective clubs for details.
Attendees admitted to these meetings must adhere to restrictions on movement and mask wearing and be free of any symptoms of cold or flu.
Te Aroha Trials
NZTR and the club are examining options regarding the logistics and scheduling of Te Aroha trials. A further update will be provided on Tuesday 5 October.
Awapuni and Tauherenikau race meetings
The Manawatu RC meeting at Awapuni will take place on Thursday 7 October and the Wairarapa RC meeting at Tauherenikau will take place on Thursday 14 October.
Access for training at Te Rapa track
For trainers who are unable to train their horses at Cambridge due to the current Alert Level 3 movement restrictions in the Hamilton area, they are welcome to train at Te Rapa.
Key points to note:
- The circuits available are the sand, the inside grass and the trials track;
- The tracks will be open from 6:30am until 10:00am; and
- Trainers are required to pre-arrange their use of the track by contacting Track Manager Bart Cowan in advance on: 027 270 7912.
Reminder to trainers
A reminder to all trainers that they must notify the racing clubs in advance as to who will be attending the races.