NZTR COVID-19 Update
The Government announced this afternoon that Hamilton, Raglan, and some northern Waikato areas will move to Covid Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm tonight for five days due to positive cases in these areas.
NZTR and TAB NZ have met today to discuss the logistical issues regarding the conduct of racing over the next week given the change in alert levels and impacts this may have on our racing program including movement of staff and participants. Both parties are working through a number of scenarios and further information will be provided in the next 24 hours.
Trainers, Jockeys, other licence-holders, or owners subject to government defined Alert Level 3 movement controls may not leave the area to attend race or trial meetings, or training activities. Horses may be floated to meetings, provided that arrangements for care and handling have been made.
NZTR would like to re-iterate the Government messages around the importance of vaccinations to protect ourselves and the industry going forward.