Take Te Reo Māori to the track!
Koinei te Wiki o te Reo Māori - it is Māori language week! As one of our three national languages, the opportunity to learn Te Reo Māori is a unique and special part of being a New Zealander.
We’ve gathered some simple words so you can show off your Māori language prowess next time you’re on-course!
Horse – Hōiho
Jockey - Tioke
Horse Racing - Rērehi hōiho
Gelding - Hōiho poka
Mare - Hōiho uwha
Foal - Punua hōiho
Stallion - Tāriana
To break in, train horses - Pereki hōiho
Farrier - Kaihaeana hōiho
Race track, racecourse - Papa purei hōiho
Race - Reihi
Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori!