NZTR Covid Update
NZTR, in consultation with racing clubs, has determined a system to help better protect against the risk of inter-island transmission of COVID in the racing community. Incorporated in Level 2 Protocols that will be in effect from Monday 13 September, the following is stipulated:
For a jockey to be engaged at a race meeting in the other island from which they have most recently ridden, or for a trainer, strapper, float driver or official to attend a meeting in the other island from which they are resident:
- For their first intended inter-island race meeting after the respective regions enter Alert Level 2, the person must obtain a negative COVID test circa 48-72 hours prior to travel;
- For subsequent inter-island trips under the same Alert Level 2 period, the person must obtain a negative COVID test within 48 hours prior to travel only if there has been a community-case in their region or regions they have visited, or if they have had any cold or flu symptoms.
- If the person fails to meet these requirements and is present at an ‘inter-island’ race meeting, they will be required to leave and may be charged by the RIB.
Interpreting this in plainer language and in terms of process:
- The person intending to travel must get a standard COVID test circa 48-72 hours prior to their initial inter-island journey for the purpose of attending a race meeting. There is no cost for this, and if asked the reason, it is legitimate to say that it is a requirement for your work.
- Once the person receives the COVID test result by text message (usually within 24 hours):
- If negative, take a screenshot of the negative result, and email the screenshot to nrb@nztr.co.nz, along with full name, and the race meeting that will be attended. The Bureau will collate this in a spreadsheet and forward the full spreadsheet to the race meeting Stipendiary Stewards for their reference.
- If positive, do not travel. Stay home or go straight home and await contact from the Ministry of Health. Email the screenshot to nrb@nztr.co.nz.
- Where a negative COVID test is received and passed to the Bureau, the process does not need to be repeated for subsequent inter-island trips, unless the person develops cold or flu symptoms in the meantime, or if there has been a community-case in their region or regions in which they have visited.
- The obligation to comply with these requirements is upon the individual or if a strapper, also upon their employer. If the person fails to meet these requirements and is present at an ‘inter-island’ race meeting, they will be required to leave and may be charged by the RIB.
- If the person is employed by a commercial float company and is already subject to regular testing to enter and leave a Level 3 or Level 4 cordon (e.g. presently for travel out of Auckland), then they are not required to also follow this process.
- This doesn’t apply to people who travel to be a race meeting as an ‘attendee’ (eg. as an owner, sponsor or other patron), provided that they do not enter any horse areas (including birdcage) or other areas of the racecourse primarily used by jockeys or officials. This means that a sponsor or owner travelling inter-island who expects to be in a birdcage or parade ring on raceday, must comply with this requirement.
Pakuranga Hunt Meeting – Contingency Plan
If Covid Alert levels prevent the Pakuranga Hunt meeting on Sunday, 19 September being staged at Ellerslie, it will take place at Te Aroha.
The programme will remain the same with the exception that the R74 1200m showing in the hard-copy RPG will now be an Open 1200m race.
This meeting will also see the running of the final Amateur Riders’ race of the season. There will, however, be some distance changes for the jump races as follows:
Maiden Hurdle 3100m (was 2760m)
Open Hurdle 3100m (was 3350m)
Maiden Steeplechase 3500m (was 4150m)
Open Steeplechase 4200m (was 4900m)
Future Updates
The next NZTR Covid Update will be issued following Monday’s Cabinet meeting.