Workforce Survey information "critical" for industry
New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) has engaged IER, a research company with experience in racing and breeding, to conduct a comprehensive Thoroughbred Industry Workforce Survey.
“We have become well aware of the difficulties faced by Trainers and Studs when they have been seeking suitably qualified staff. This was recognised in the Industry Reshaping document, with Action Three focusing on Participants and Training,” GM Welfare & Sustainability Martin Burns said.
“The information sought in this survey will be critical when it comes to providing hard data for NZTR’s submissions to government regarding the essential skills that working visa or migrants provide to our racing and breeding industry,” he said.
The survey results will also assist the industry’s efforts to market attractive industry career paths to young New Zealanders and to help the planning of recruitment and skills training within the industry.
The survey has been developed in consultation with the New Zealand Trainers’ Association (NZTA) and New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (NZTBA).
“This survey is critical in ensuring that we have sufficient numbers of people keen and equipped to start, learn, work and establish a career in the industry,” NZTBA President John Thompson said.
NZTA President Tony Pike stressed that it was vital that everyone who employs staff put a few minutes aside to carefully complete the survey.
“The more comprehensive and accurate the survey responses, the better the outcomes for us the employers and the industry as a whole,” he said.
A link to the survey will be emailed to all Trainers and to employers in the breeding industry on Monday, 21 June and it is expected to take 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey window will run until Sunday 4 July.