NZTR welcomes announcement of RIB Chief Executive
NZTR has welcomed the appointment of Mike Clement as Chief Executive of the new independent Racing Integrity Board which will oversee the racing industry from 1 July 2021.
Mike Clement took retirement from the New Zealand Police last year after 42 years of service. He was Deputy Commissioner National Operations at Police Headquarters from 2014 and prior to that he was District Commander Auckland City.
“I think it is universally acknowledged that a strong, effective and credible integrity system is critical to the public’s confidence in the conduct of racing,” Mike Clement said. “My challenge is to ensure the very high public and industry expectations as to the conduct, standards and integrity of racing are met.”
NZTR CEO Bernard Saundry said he was looking forward to working with Mike Clement and the Racing Integrity Board.
“Integrity is non-negotiable for us and so we look forward to working with the new Board to set world-beating standards for integrity and equine welfare,” he said.
Earlier this week Racing Minister Grant Robertson announced the following appointments to the new Racing Integrity Board:
- Sir Bruce Robertson KNZM – Chair
- Kristy McDonald ONZM QC
- Penelope Mudford ONZM
- Dr Patricia Pearce
- Brent Williams.
“New Zealanders expect racing to be safe for the animals involved and fair for punters. The Board will help provide this assurance, which can only be good for the racing industry,” Grant Robertson said.
The Racing Integrity Board has been established as an independent body under the new Racing Industry Act 2020.
Members have a combination of adjudication, senior governance, and animal welfare expertise, with the experience to ensure compliance with the rules of racing. The term of appointments is 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024.
NZTR’s statutory role is to determine the thoroughbred racing industry’s rules and policies. The RIB will combine the industry’s pre-existing judicial and enforcement functions into one entity.