NZTR Annual General Meeting

17 November 2020

The Annual General Meeting of New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) was held in Wellington today.

There were several constitutional changes which were accepted by clubs at the AGM, specifically around the NZTR Members’ Council and its role.   These included a range of requirements which confirmed the role of the Members’ Council as the representatives of the industry in the governance of the NZTR Board.

Another key change was the acceptance of the proposal that enabled the NZTR Board to comprise between five to seven Directors.    As flagged prior to the AGM, when the proposed changes to the constitution were originally mooted, this allowed Bruce Sherwin to join the NZTR Board. 

The NZTR Board now comprises – Jason Fleming, Cameron George, Bruce Sharrock, Darryll Park, Andrew Fairgray, Bruce Sherwin and Mike Clarke, with the latter taking up his role on 1 January 2021.

The AGM also farewelled chairman Alan Jackson, along with Rick Williams and Deputy  Chair Victoria Carter.  Read the outgoing chairman’s address here.  The new Minister for Racing, Grant Robertson was unable attend but sent a message which was delivered by the chairman, read it here.

Immediately following the AGM, the new Board met to appoint an interim chairman, with Cameron George appointed to that role until the March NZTR Board meeting.  The decision to make this an interim appointment was made while the Board members take time to better understand the strengths and abilities of those now seated around the Board table.

The 2019-20 Annual Report can be viewed here.

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