
9 July 2020

The montage featured here is made up of photos of just some of those wonderful people involved in our industry and, over the coming weeks we will be profiling around 30 who each fulfil a particular role.

We will be asking them how they came to be involved in racing, what they love about their job and what advice they would give anyone wanting to get involved.

As well as being an opportunity to promote the many and varied roles in racing, we will also get to celebrate some of the hugely passionate people in our industry.

Name:  Lewis Jones

Role:  Catering Manager – Creative Catering, Awapuni

Length of time in racing:  18 plus years

How did you get involved in the industry:  From a friend to help out on a bar at a raceday.  A last minute call in.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Helping people with events and formal Dinners outside of race day and meeting great people.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Put your best foot forward and a lot of doors can open up for you.

Name: Harley Cushing

Length of time in racing: 10 years

How did you get involved in the industry: I had been involved in equestrian sports as a kid, and when I left school at 16 and needed a job, I landed at John Bary’s in Hastings. At one point I considered becoming a jockey and have ridden a winner as an amateur.

What are you favourite aspects of your role: Following horses careers and watching good gallopers. Would like to eventually train fulltime, train as many winners as possible and breed a G1 winner.

What advice would you give someone wanting to get involved in racing: Unless you like getting up early, this industry might not be for you.

Name:  Jessica Meech

Role:  General Counsel, TAB New Zealand and Committee Member, Wellington Racing Club

Length of time in racing:  I first went to the races at Trentham when I was five years old with my Dad. I can remember quite clearly being in the stands, and being amazed looking across at the sea of people across the grass and in the centre of the course. However, from the colour and spectacle of that day, it was the horses that had me hooked. Thoroughbred race horses are beautiful, graceful, intelligent and inspiring animals and that day I fell for them.

How did you get involved in the industry:  My father and grandfather were keen punters and race goers, so they piqued my interest at an early age. But it was when Mum and I were offered shares, with friends in an ownership syndicate, that racing took on a whole new significance in my life. The first horse we owned, Madredeus, won six races (three on the bounce) and I was convinced that racing was the best game in town. We've had a number of horses since her, and watching them race has taken me all over New Zealand and provided some of the happiest moments of my life.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  I am incredibly lucky for my "work" to also be my passion. My day job is at RITA, where I can use my technical legal training to assist an industry that I care so much about. I am also a racehorse owner and a Committee member of the Wellington Racing Club. Wearing a few different "hats" allows me to better understand the challenges the domestic industry faces, which helps me with my legal role at RITA.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  The industry can be hard and unforgiving. There are real lows, however the highs are stratospheric. The feeling that I get when one of my horse’s wins is indescribable - I wish I could bottle it! The racing industry has passionate and caring participants, remarkable triumphs over adversity and incredible athleticism by horses and people. It is a privilege to be a part of it.

Name: Bevan Sweeney

Role: Jockey Manager

Length of time in racing: 26 years

How did you get involved in the industry: Through my father’s interest in Thoroughbred horses and ownership

What are your favourite aspects of your role: Interaction with Trainers and the thrill when you rider wins races

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: It can be really hard work, but the rewards are some of the biggest thrills you will ever have in your life.

Name:  Jim Bruford

Role:  Insurance Advisor New Zealand Bloodstock, Thoroughbred Breeder, Racehorse Owner

Length of time in racing:  35 years

How did you get involved in the industry:  I started as a 5YO with annual visits to Ellerslie to Boxing Day races with the family. Developed a love for horses which naturally led to involvement in breeding and then racing horses with friends and family. In 1994 I was very fortunate and appreciative that Joe Walls offered me a role as Insurance Manager at New Zealand Bloodstock where I have assisted to successfully grow the insurance business to a worldwide client base.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Firstly being able to meet a wide diversity of people all over the world, to develop and grow the insurance business for a passionate and very supportive Vela family and finally having the opportunity to successfully race horses with family and friends.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  The horse industry is very diversified. No matter what path you choose to follow, with hard work and dedication there is an opportunity to travel the world, meet influential people and get tremendous satisfaction from your employment.

Name:  Scott Laming

Role:  Farrier

Length of time in racing: About 18 years as a farrier

How did you get involved in the industry:  I wasn’t a fan of school and they weren’t a fan of me, so I ended up out of there at 15 and was helping my father who was training at Riccarton. His farrier Myles Gordon offered me a chance at giving shoeing a go to see if I liked it and the rest is history.

What are your favourite aspects of your role: Definitely working with the horses. I enjoy seeing owners, trainers, stable staff get success and the joy it brings to people. I get a lot of satisfaction out of fixing horses that may have a gait issue, especially trotters, and see them go on and win races is really great.  Also being able to travel around to different places, working for different people and not stuck at one place for work all the time - and I’m pretty dam lucky I get to work for great people.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Don’t be shy to put yourself out there and have a go if it's something you are interested in, because you have to start somewhere.  With social media platforms these days does also help connect people finding jobs etc

Name: Veronica Algar

Role: Trainee Stipendiary Steward

Length of time in racing: 4 years

How did you get involved in the industry: I first got involved when my parents took me to race meetings as a kid, I then worked as a stablehand for a trainer at Awapuni throughout my last year of high school. A few years ago, I decided I wanted to start working in the industry, so I applied for a job at NZTR, where I worked in the Bureau and the Registrations department. 

What are your favourite aspects of your role: As I am new into this role, one of my favourite things has been being able to learn and gain knowledge, not just from my work colleagues but also other industry participants. The variety of work this job has means no day at work is the same. 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: If you have a passion for horses, are prepared to work hard and don't mind working weekends, then go for it. The variety of jobs in this industry are endless and there are not many industries where your job can take you around the world!

Name:  George Simon 

Role:  Race Caller

Length of time in racing:  Called my first race at a Taupo On Course Only meeting as a snotty nosed, know-it-all 17-year-old... I turn 57 in July... you do the maths!!

How did you get involved in the industry:  My father was a keen punter and through his passion for all things racing, I soon became hooked. 

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  I reckon I’ve got the best job in the world. I get to do a lot of sightseeing around the countryside, I get to meet so many like-minded people, I get to talk a lot , I get the best seat in the house to watch the action, I get to have a bet and at the end of the day, I get paid!!  Hallelujah.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: “The Racing game is a great game, played slowly “. 

Name:  Bruce Perry

Role:  Bloodstock Agent

Length of time in racing:  Lifetime. Started my agency August 1987

How did you get involved in the industry:  Through my parents who had Highden Stud

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Being involved some great people from all walks of life who simply love the thoroughbred and the joy success brings.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Ask advice, especially from those who have been successful, as you will find they will want to help you. Learn as many facets of the industry as possible. 

Name:  Lisa Young 

Role:  Stablehand at Marsh Racing 

Length of time in racing:  22 years 

How did you get involved in the industry:  I was 13 when I got involved with racing started working for Brian & Shane Anderton in the weekend’s for a couple of years then went on to be an apprentice jockey completed my apprenticeship I rode 160 winners in my riding career. 

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Watching the horses I ride and care for win races! 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Do it you will love it! 

Name: Robert Logan

Role: Airfreight Operations, New Zealand Bloodstock

Length of time in racing: My whole life!

How did you get involved in the industry: I was born into the industry, with both my parents being successful Australasian Group 1 winning trainers. My sister Samantha and I grew up in the stable and at the races and she is now forging a successful training career herself, and fast becoming an inspiration to me alongside my parents.

What are your favourite aspects of your role: I really enjoy being able to get out of the office to the airport and on the plane with the horses. Horses travelling on a plane still amazes me, so being able to be a part of the process is still a surreal feeling. I really enjoy the logistical aspect that comes with the role, as well as getting the chance to get hands on with the horses too. It’s a big thrill seeing horses we have flown go on to perform on the racetrack whether it be in Australia, Singapore or Hong Kong. Just knowing we we’re able to play a small part in making that possible is fulfilling

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: I think racing is the greatest sport/industry in the world. But it can be a daunting and difficult industry to get involved in. The best advice would be to go to the races and enjoy it. Celebrate the horses and the people and fall in love with racing for what it is, because it will quickly become a passion and addiction. I think it is important for the future generation of people looking to get involved to learn and gain as much as possible from the older generation and take that knowledge and experience to revolutionise racing. In a rapid changing world, racing needs to continue to adapt and stay relevant and my generation will soon be in the driver’s seat.

Name: Joan Egan

Role: Breeder, Owner, Sponsor

Length of time in racing:  Since 1994.   26 years

How did you get involved in the industry:  Bought a retired thoroughbred mare to breed a dressage horse and ended up breeding to a thoroughbred Stallion instead named Racing is Fun.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  The excitement of seeing my horse develop into a competitive racehorse, and, the people you meet in this industry. They are often people you would not meet otherwise.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Take a share in a racing syndicate to get to know the business and learn about the workings of it. Get advice from successful people.

Name: George Strickland

Role: Senior Handicapper

Length of time in racing: 17 years

How did you get involved in the industry: I didn’t come from a background in racing or even horses. I learnt to ride at the age of 11 at the local riding school. This blossomed into an obsession and the dream of a life working with horses. As part of a work experience scheme with school, a worked at a racing stables for a month. From this, I got a part time job on weekends and holidays which moved to a full-time job after college.

What are your favourite aspects of your role: Dealing with people from all over the world. Seeing how other jurisdictions operate and making friends with a wide variety of people of different nationalities.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: Expand your skillset to be valuable across all facets of the industry. Get experience in as many different roles as you can to give yourself options and to make yourself more appealing to employers.

Name:  Ivan Bridge

Role:  Equine Vet

Length of time in racing: ​All my life. Horses and racing were the family menu. Hastings races were quite a social occasion allowing a day off the farm. My parents never missed a meeting and I was always taken. The treat was dinner at the Stortford Lodge Hotel at the end of the day with groups of their friends. The Hotel had one of the first televisions in the area when no one had them in their homes so that was an absolute novelty that babysat me whilst they socialised. Boarding school was down the road from Trentham thus relatively simple to sneak out, the major risk was being spotted by one of the priests who also regularly attended. My brother rode as an amateur over fences which for me meant being summonsed back from University to help with the lambing beat after an inevitable fall!

How did you get involved in the industry: Was a natural progression. On graduation from Massey in 1975 I cut my teeth in general veterinary practice in Dargaville before moving to work with horses in an equine practice in Takanini in 1977, supposedly edging my way home to Hawkes Bay. Takanini then was one of the major training centres in the country, 42 years later I am still in South Auckland and still involved with stable work and race day attendance.

What are your favourite aspects of your role: ​Watching horse I have been involved with professionally win!! 

Seriously I enjoy the "family" aspect of the industry, although there are thousands of us involved in NZ we are a relatively small group of enthusiasts who on the whole look out for each other. I always say if you travel anywhere in the world and visit stables or race meetings you meet the same people, they are just wearing different faces! 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: Go for it, don't listen to the naysayers, keep smiling and look straight ahead! As a child on the farm I listened to the adult morning tea discussions which often involved how many race wins were required to pay training fees, a lifetime later that discussion continues yet there have been wonderful and memorable experiences along the way. Racing is exciting, a passion, a commitment, a way of life and involvement in the industry a privilege. The privilege is being involved with an athlete that has been bred for many years for a single purpose and they like ourselves are all individuals, some being more talented than others. The excitement is working through the process to find and enhance that talent and all the time with like-minded people. I can honestly say I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the path that I have gone down.

Name: Felicity Keyte

Role: Gregory Equine Covers and Saddlery Manager

Length of time in racing: All my life in varying degrees.

How did you get involved in the industry: I have been involved in the Racing industry my whole life. My mother has a pre-training and spelling property in Matamata which my brother and I grew up helping on. I have always enjoyed following her racehorses during their race careers and I also love to follow their progress off the track. I also spent a large chunk of my time working at Waikato Stud where I meet a lot of great people in the industry. For the last four years I have been managing Gregory Equine Covers and Saddlery.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  My role at Gregory Equine means I have daily contact with people who are involved in the racing in all the levels. There is lots of variety and people contact which I really like.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: Just do it and then come see me 😊 but in all honesty it is a great sport to be part of. The big race days provide the opportunity to get your friends together and dress up. It is always rewarding to see the horses you follow perform on the track.

Name: Andrew Lacy

Role: Punter, Boys Get Paid Punters Club selector, Owner, Administrator, Raceday MC, Syndicator.

Length of time in racing: 30 years

How did you get involved in the industry: My father enjoyed a day at the races and a dabble on the tote.  Some of my earliest memories are of days at the track.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Seeing other people enjoy the thrill of winning on the punt.  The community involvement, atmosphere and exhilaration of a BGP Punters Club on a raceday is something that is impossible to describe.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Take life lessons out of racing – celebrate wins, learn from your mistakes and enjoy the ride!

Name:  Karyn Fenton-Ellis MNZM & David Ellis CNZM – Te Akau Racing

Role:  We are thoroughbred owners, breeders, racing club Chairmen (one past, one present) and one of New Zealand’s most successful syndicators.  We own Champion Stables in New Zealand and Singapore - our trainers Mark Walker and Jamie Richards have won 10 Trainers’ Premierships between them.  Te Akau is a really passionate part of the #onehorsemanyhearts team

Length of time in racing:  David 46 years and Karyn 40 years (we were VERY young)!!

How did you get involved in the industry:  Almost exactly the same way – we both went to the races with friends – David to Ellerslie and Karyn to Timaru.  This experience ignited what has been the passion of a lifetime.  We love every part of the thoroughbred industry but racing holds a special place in our hearts.  We are both dedicated to developing young people and helping them reach their potential because that’s where the future of our industry lies. Industry talent such as our trainer Jamie Richards, currently rated No. 9 in the Global Trainer Ratings, is just one example.  We also get such a thrill from seeing Te Akau owners enjoy their racing experience and success with us!  This is what it’s all about - the fun, the people you meet and most importantly, the love of the horse.

What are your favourite aspects of your role (as a syndicator):  Welcoming new owners in to racing! Every year we welcome many new owners to Te Akau and the enthusiasm of our new and existing owners is just brilliant – that’s our whole focus, our owners coming first! Te Akau owns its stables in New Zealand and Singapore and nothing gives us greater pleasure than sharing the fun and the excitement of racing.  Our owners deal with us directly and often tell us that being involved with Te Akau has changed their lives and they have made so many new friends. 

We also really enjoy identifying and purchasing promising young horses that our owners can choose to be involved with.  There is nothing like watching yearlings develop under the care of our world-class team and become competitive race horses.  There are so many wonderful stories of Te Akau syndicates’ success - horses such as Group 1 winners Te Akau Shark, Avantage, Darci Brahma, this year’s Karaka 2YO Million winner Cool Aza Beel and so many more. Our owners become our friends and these are relationships we really treasure. 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Just do it!  It’s easy, fun and affordable to be involved. There is nothing like thrill of having a share in your own horse – going to the races with your family and friends, cheering your horse on and celebrating together.  It's more fun when you're not the only one having it! 

Name:  Tim Mills

Role:  Chief Executive, Canterbury Jockey Club

Length of time in racing:  From the cradle, working life 40 years.

How did you get involved in the industry:  Racing is bred into me.  Family lore records a racing passion from the earliest days with one of our forebears, Hector McDonald, marrying a niece and befriending an elderly Chief Te Rauparaha reportedly accompanying him to the Otaki Maori Races. Dad was President of the Wellington Racing Club, Mum’s Dad Jack MacDonald held racing and punting such a priority that the red bound ‘Form Record’ substituted the prayer book for an hour’s study at mass (Incidentally his best horse HOT DROP was trained by Percy Burgess, grandfather of NZTR’s Mary). Other family members on the MacDonald side were administrators with the Ashhurst-Pohangina and Manawatu Racing Clubs. My Godfather Felix Campbell is father of Group 1 winning trainer Patrick and raced numerous horses with Dad.  St Patrick’s College Silverstream may not see it as its greatest role but it has produced a plethora of racing men. Caned (amongst other punishments) for escaping the grounds to attend Trentham and, possibly not the best advertisement for respect for schooling, leaving a bursary exam to listen to dad’s horse Tarlton win and score a record collect on the communal schoolboy TAB account did nothing to dissuade the racing interest.  Leaving school to work at what was then the New Zealand Racing Conference and on to the Canterbury Jockey Club.  The Conference Wellington days involved a wonderful group of people whose only weekend ambition was to get in the car on Friday night or Saturday morning and head to the nearest racemeeting.  Great race days of comradery, punting and the odd ale or two followed by obligatory after-matches at the local pubs created so many lifelong friendships cemented by a common love of horses and racing.  If there was ever any doubt that reinforced racing as the only working life for me.  Having to be on-course to watch BALMERINO, the GREY WAY/COPPER BELT clashes, THUN and OWHATA CHIEF vie for hurdle supremacy, LA MER, amongst so many others and to have to take your treble or jackpot was just great fun.  That continued when moving to Canterbury and meeting many more outstanding people and friends, travelling to new racecourses and parts of the country and seeing so many more memorable horses.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Racing is just so much more than a job.  It is about being involved and contributing to the tapestry of a wonderful sport.  Playing a role in running a racecourse and race meetings which enable horses and people to add to that tapestry and create history is hugely satisfying.  The range of emotions that you see in the birdcage before and after even the smallest of races is something I doubt you get in many jobs.  I take pride in Riccarton Park Racecourse.  As a custodian of a 165-year-old sports ground there is a need to ensure that whilst respecting the past it is improved and enhanced for the next 165.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Don’t think you can please everyone.  The very nature of racing sees the 100/1 shot beat the odds on at times.  As such there will be extreme views at each end of the spectrum on any and almost all issues.  If you can look yourself in the mirror and confidently say you have done your best and made the right decision for, and in the best interests of, the majority you won’t go far wrong. 

Name:  Lisa Allpress

Role: Jockey

Length of time in racing: 25 years

How did you get involved in the industry:  I had been riding in a pre-training farm in Japan and when I came back to NZ I didn’t have a job so started riding for some trainers in Stratford. Warren Dymond told me I should do an apprenticeship so he helped me get in touch with Kevin Gray. I signed up when I was 20.

What are your favourite aspects of your role: I just love riding, to ride a horse as a youngster and then win races on them is such a buzz, or to win on a horse that has no form or others have said no chance, it’s very satisfying.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: You have to have a great work ethic, it’s a very mentally challenging career with many highs but you also have to be able to handle the lows and the criticism.

Name:  Shane Cole

Role:  Northern Area Manager for Power Turf NZ

Length of time in racing:  All my life

How did you get involved in the industry:  I was born in to a racing family and have been lucky enough that the industry has become part of my job supplying turf equipment to race tracks NZ-wide

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Building and maintaining relationships with the country’s track managers. The industry is full of great people and it makes my job easy when providing solutions for turf and track maintenance.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  There is something for everyone in this industry, find an aspect you love, and you can make it your life.

Name:  Dale Bothwell

Role:  Equine Sports Massage Therapist based in Taranaki

Length of time in racing/How did you get involved in the industry:  My father Dick Bothwell was a successful horse trainer so racing has always been a part of my life.  Consequently, I developed a love of horses at an early age.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Being an Equine Sports Massage Therapist allows me to give something back to the horse.  Racehorses are athletes and like any athlete they suffer from muscular stress and strain.  Racing and training can take a toll on horses bodies. They do hurt, they do feel pain and sometimes they do struggle.  But they can be helped.  Horse welfare, soundness and Performance are linked and more and more under the spotlight.  Fortunately, there are many varied therapists working throughout NZ making horses lives happier and healthier.  I encourage anyone to go the extra mile for their horse.  You never know the difference it is going to make.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Look at horse syndication in your area, get a group of friends together and get a share in a horse. It doesn’t have to be a huge share to have fun. Going to the races to watch your horse race is a great thrill. If it runs well that's even better!

Name: Annmarie Van der Sande (was Hughes)

Role: Equine Dentist

Length of time in racing: 14 years (makes me feel old)

How did you get involved in the industry: Initially, professionally but fell down the slippery slope of ownership. Racehorses, yearlings and ready to runs, oh and also event an OTTTB (off the track TB). (It’s a very slippery slope 😆).

What are your favourite aspects of your role: Working with thoroughbreds! Absolutely incredible creatures. Also the people, the industry is full of amazing passionate people, fuelled by adoration for the TB.

It’s a tough, soul destroying, brutal industry not for the faint hearted, so you get the pleasure of working with some absolute characters.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: Put on your brave pants, your thickest skin and get involved.....It will change your life!!

Name: Mark Jones

Role: Waikato & Central Districts Manager for Majestic Horse Floats LP

Length of time in racing: 40+ years

How did you get involved in the industry: Just a natural progression from Pony Club, Showing etc

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  After 24yrs with the company, not one day is same, all the people you meet and the great team I work with.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: Keep your head down and listen, you never stop learning.

Name: Stephanie Tierney            

Role:  Pre-trainer at Moemoea Park

Length of time in racing: 14 years

How did you get involved in the industry: Off the back of a retired racehorse that I rescued. I ended up using her as a stock horse on the dairy farm and it was doing this that I discovered the power, strength and versatility of thoroughbreds and the incredible workhorses that they are.

What are your favourite aspects of your role: Working with the thoroughbreds one on one and the bond you can create. You never stop learning and they teach you a lot of life’s lessons and keep you humble! There is also a lot of variety within the industry and the ability to extend your knowledge in all areas from horsemanship to office admin and business management to farm machinery and maintenance. I guess I would say I love all aspects!

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: Work hard, set goals and learn everything you can from every individual both human and horse!

Name:  Wayne Stewart
Role:  Stud Manager at White Robe Lodge
Length of time in racing:  30+ years
How did you get involved in the industry:  After school and weekend work at AN (Micky) Didham’s Wingatui training stable.
What are your favourite aspects of your role:  Delivering foals watching them grow out and the thrills they give you when they go on to achieve on the racetrack. Also the wide range of good people you meet in the industry.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Be honest, prepared to work hard and be patient.

Name: Paxton Conder

Role: Marketing Manager at Dunstan Horsefeeds & Fiber Fresh

Length of time in racing: 10 years

How did you get involved in the industry:  I have always ridden, and got the bug after riding in a pony scurry down the Matamata Racecourse straight when I was 7. As soon as I got my driver’s licence I pestered Lance Noble for a job. Thankfully he agreed and I went on to ride trackwork for the next 6 years, during school and university before I started as the Marketing Manager at Counties Racing Club. I have now found myself in the nutrition side of the industry, which I love!

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  I love working for a New Zealand brand that gives back to the Industry. Support is everything in this game and it makes me so proud to see a Dunstan fuelled athlete cross the line in a Dunstan Sponsored Race. We are dedicated to providing the right nutrition to New Zealand horses performing in New Zealand conditions, so to see it all come together on raceday really makes it all worthwhile. I am very lucky to often be the one there to capture that moment and share the success with our followers.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Don’t be afraid to reach out! There are so many opportunities in the racing industry that don’t even require you to go near an animal. If you are passionate about the industry and you have a will to learn, then industry participants are only happy to help. There is so much history and knowledge within racing, so take every opportunity to learn. I am also involved with Future of Racing NZ (FoRacing NZ) which is an incorporated society that myself and a few other young keen minds put together to help encourage and mentor young people that are keen to get involved in the industry but perhaps aren’t too sure how. So there are ways to help, you just need to make the first step!

Name:  Andrew Carston 

Role:  Thoroughbred Trainer, Riccarton Park 

Length of time in racing:  20 years in racing 

How did you get involved in the industry:  Family always been in the industry, started helping Barrie Taggart at Riccarton while still at school as my brother was apprenticed to him, went from there to Les Didham as my first job in racing.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:

  • Nothing more rewarding than winning any race, but obviously listed and group races are the pinnacle.
  • Getting a project, a tried horse normally from up north, changing things around and getting them back in form is something I challenge myself to do.
  • Seeing one of my apprentices or staff ride or train a winner is very pleasing for me.
  • Getting results for loyal owners is also a rewarding part of my job.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing:  Racing is a great game, challenging and not for the faint hearted. My advice is to work hard and results will come and you can only expect to get out the industry what you put in.


Name:  Justine Sclater

Role:  Passionate thoroughbred breeder, racehorse owner and CEO of the NZ Thoroughbred Breeders Association

Length of time involved in the industry:  Lifetime

How did you get involved in the industry:  As the daughter of an equine vet I couldn’t help but become involved and it then became an addiction from there on – I even pretended my pony Mischief was champion mare Show Gate.

What are your favourite aspects of your role:  The people, celebrating my fellow breeders’ achievements, being inspired and learning their story behind these successes. As a breeder growing young stock, following their careers and hopefully experiencing a proud “mummy moment”.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get involved in racing: It’s a roller coaster but hang on for the ride as its it worth it and you never stop learning.

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