The Jumpers: Kuru vs Farr

3 May 2019
It is May and our jumping programme is underway!  So we're going to highlight our courageous jumps and highweight jockeys with quickfire questions.  We'll learn what makes them tick on race day, gets them up for pre-dawn starts, and if they have any raceday superstitions.
This week we pick up the series with Aaron Kuru and Emily Farr.
Favourite jumps horse?
Aaron: The Shackler 
Emily: Laekeeper (NZ) & Istabraq (Ireland)
Prefer steeples or hurdles?
Aaron: Hurdles
Emily: Steeplechase
Which jockey do look up to most?
Aaron: Jonathan Riddell
Emily: A P McCoy & Davy Russell
What’s the best racecourse in New Zealand?
Aaron: Te Aroha
Emily: Ellerslie
What's better, Riccarton or Trentham figure-eight?
Aaron: Even
Emily: Riccarton
Which sport do you most like to watch?
Aaron: Rugby
Emily: Horse Racing & Rugby (Wales)
If you weren’t a superstar jumps jockey what would you be doing?
Aaron: Softball player
Emily: On stage in West End in London
What gets you motivated in the morning?
Aaron: Making money
Emily: Working with Phelan Racing
What’s your raceday drink?
Aaron: Powerade
Emily: Caramel latte
Favourite meal after raceday?
Aaron: Home cooked food
Emily: Steak
Home cooked, or eating restaurant?
Aaron: Home cooked
Emily: Home cooked
Do you have an superstitions that you follow on raceday?
Aaron: Nil
Emily: Always wear my Welsh Dragon necklace

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