Bernard's Blog: 3 May 19

Bernard Saundry
3 May 2019

Bernard Saundry happy to meet Sir Patrick Hogan, Sir Tristram and Rick Williams Photo: Supplied

This blog has met with an interesting response since I first started it earlier this year.  It’s always good to get feedback and hear from stakeholders and those with a keen interest in our industry.

Of course, the blog is just one way we have of communicating with owners, trainers and other industry participants.  We also produce a monthly report which is shared with racing clubs and key stakeholders prior to teleconference calls where its contents are discussed.  These reports are now also going to be shared on our website to ensure the wider industry can be kept informed.

Over recent months we conducted several regional meetings, specifically to discuss the NZTR Venue Plan consultation document, but these also provided an opportunity to address other issues raised.  

Ideally, face-to-face communication is always best, which is why the Board, me and other NZTR staff welcome those opportunities to discuss concerns, highlight issues, or hear your solutions to real or perceived problems when we are out and about at race meetings.

We recognise that we live in busy times, where there are many claims on people’s time.  Bearing this in mind we are constantly looking at how we can adapt the way we communicate necessary information to stakeholders. 

We disseminate information through our website and social media channels; via emailed circulars and monthly reports; plus, I have a weekly slot on Radio Trackside every Wednesday afternoon with Peter Earley.  However, I am happy to hear your thoughts about how we could do it differently and communicate better.

Despite our best efforts, it seems there is always someone who claims they didn’t know or hear about something so there is obviously room for improvement.

If you have any preferred means of communication, then please let me know by dropping an email to or leave a comment on our Facebook page.

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