Special Review of Integrity Services

26 April 2019

The Messara Report recommended a review of the RIU and associated integrity bodies.  That review has now been announced by the Ministerial Advisory Committee. The announcement and terms of reference are attached.

The reviewer is speaking with representatives of the three racing codes and with industry interest groups. He has also asked that industry participants be notified of the scope of the review and invited to make contact through their codes if they wish to make a personal comment or submission. The opportunity to make comment remains open until 17 May 2019. 

(N.B. This opportunity does not extend to any matters which are the subject of current investigations or prosecutions.)  

 If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity please contact NZTR’s General Counsel, James Dunne (james.dunne@nzracing.co.nz) who will forward any submission to the reviewer in confidence.

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