NZTR Reviews Licensing Processes
As the new racing season approaches, NZTR has reviewed its current licensing processes, with the governing body advising of several key changes that all licence holders need to be made aware of ahead of the 2023-24 season.
A shift online
NZTR will look to commence a drive toward online applications. This shift provides access to convenient online self-servicing, including self-application and self-payment options. Moving towards an online servicing centre also generates better accuracy of data, with faster processing times for the internal Licensing team. The changes also align to the prerequisite to the Single Nation System (SNS).
NZTR has developed online application forms for all new licence holders, bringing together several tasks into one streamlined process. These new forms can be conveniently accessed from a phone, tablet or PC. Should applicants wish to apply for a new licence with NZTR, they can do so by completing the online application forms located under the Forms section of the LOVERACING.NZ website here.
Key licensing changes ahead of the 2023-24 season
All current and new licence holders will need to supply an updated email address and physical address to NZTR's Licensing team which is a requirement of SNS. Licence holders that have not currently supplied a working email address and physical address to NZTR will need to provide this from the 2023-24 season onwards, helping streamline the licencing transition to SNS.
NZTR will also look to implement new licensing categories in order to enhance pathways into the industry. The categories are Assistant Trainer, Pre-Trainer, Stable Assistant and Visiting Trainer, Jockey and Assistant. The existing Class C trainer category will no longer be available and has been merged with a Trainer’s Class B licence. This Class B Licence will no longer have any limit on the number of horses trained for outside clients, with a view of allowing people to build their teams without being concerned about restrictions. It will also provide a clear path towards moving on to a Class A Trainer’s Licence.
NZTR, with the support of the Clubs, will also review the list of Accredited Persons to be registered for oncourse passes which has never been a formal process. They will be assigned individual NZTR IDs for Starters, Starting crew, Judges, Clerk of Scales, Vets, Media, and all NZTR Staff. These categories have been created to ensure that appropriate raceday protocols are followed for Clubs to guarantee the health and safety of industry participants.
NZTR's Matthew Williamson, Head of Licensing and Stakeholder Relationships, and Abby Fawcett, recently appointed Licensing/Health & Safety Officer, have been employed as a dedicated resources to support all current licence holders, as well as process new applications.
Matt Williamson commented on the key changes made to NZTR’s licensing processes.
“We are in the process of reviewing the entire licensing system and how we circulate communications with all of our licence holders.”
“We’re currently building on the processes already in place and have already undertaken a lot of work to improve NZTR’s licensing structure to date.
“We aren’t finished yet and are always looking to take on new ideas in order to expand and enhance the industry.
“By now all current licence holders should have received communication from our team about upcoming timelines and key changes to make note of. Most notably, licensing renewals are set to commence in early May and licence holders can expect to receive communications from our team shortly,” he said.
For more information on NZTR’s licensing processes, or for general enquiries, contact licensing@nztr.co.nz.