Photo: Race Images

New Plymouth abandonment update

19 February 2022

A NZ Sports Turf Institute representative, under the guidance of NZTR Track Advisor, Todd Treweek, will inspect the New Plymouth track on Monday following Friday’s abandoned meeting.

This was the third abandonment of the previous four scheduled meetings at the track.  The club has been advised that NZTR will not schedule meetings at New Plymouth until such time as the track provides a safe and reliable surface.  The report from Monday’s inspection will provide advice as to what is required to return the track to that state.

The RIB was present on Friday morning when local trainer Allan Sharrock galloped two horses and, after they spoke with jockey Hazel Schofer, they walked the track. While it was noted that the penetrometer readings indicated a Dead 4 rating, the two horses galloping had barely marked the surface. 

The club stated it had followed NZTR guidelines providing a track which was a Dead 4 at 9am, with more than 200mls of rain prior to Tuesday.  However, on Friday morning showers developed and 2mls was received which led to concern being expressed by jockeys.

This concern was related to what riders perceived as the firmness of the surface with moisture sitting on top and comparisons were made with the Saturday, 5 February abandonment.

A subsequent meeting with riders saw them indicating that they had no confidence in conditions being safe in light of the morning’s rain.  Considering these concerns there was no other option but to abandon the days racing.

NZTR will now await the report from Monday’s inspection and, once that is reviewed and implemented thought will be given as to how a return to racing at New Plymouth will be managed.  There will also be an opportunity for jockeys to discuss this and other issues when a delegation meets with NZTR’s Bruce Sharrock and Todd Treweek at a previously scheduled meeting in Cambridge on Tuesday.

The abandonment of the Wellington RC meeting on 4 December saw NZTR announce a series of actions to clarify obligations and support racing clubs to prepare safe and reliable track surfaces.

The first of these actions has been completed and on Tuesday clubs were advised of three policies – Track Preparation Policy; Pre-Meeting Track Safety Review Policy; and Raceday Track Safety Review Policy.

The policies were finalised following consultation with the Racing Integrity Board, NZ Trainers’ Association, NZ Jockeys’ Association, key track managers, and major racing club managers. These policies apply to all race meetings held after 1 March.

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