Covid Testing requirements - NZ Cup meeting
As has been the case since 15 September, inter-island travel for racing participants has been subject to the following requirements:
For a jockey to be engaged at a race meeting in the other island from which they have most recently ridden, or for a trainer, strapper, float driver, or official to attend a meeting in the other island from which they are resident:
- For their first intended inter-island race meeting after the respective regions enter Alert Level 2, the person must obtain a negative COVID test within 48 hours prior to travel;
- For subsequent inter-island trips under the same Alert Level 2 period, the person must obtain a negative COVID test within 48 hours prior to travel only if there has been a community-case in their region, the region they visited, or if they have had any cold or flu symptoms.
These requirements remain in force, however, for the upcoming period until 13 November encompassing the three days of the NZ Cup meeting, it is required that licenced personal and officials based in the North Island are required to obtain a negative COVID test prior to travelling to one or more days of NZ Cup meeting under the following requirements:
- If double-vaccinated or if there are no return journeys to the North Island during the carnival, then only one negative swab is required; or
- If not double vaccinated and if there are multiple interisland journeys planned during the period, then a negative swab is required before travelling to a person’s first day at the NZ Cup Carnival meeting, and another negative swab required prior to travelling to that person’s second or third day at the NZ Cup meeting.
Swab results must be sent to the National Racing Bureau (nrb@nztr.co.nz). Please note that in addition to nasal swabs, saliva test results are also valid.
These amended requirements take into account:
- the likely frequent travel for some persons, particularly jockeys;
- that there are no race or trial meetings in the Level 3 area of Waikato after November 6; and
- an assumption there are no increases in alert levels in areas where race meetings are held.
This precautionary measure is backed-up by continuing requirements in the NZTR regulations regarding: mask wearing; the requirement of Health declarations; temperature testing will only be required for jockeys, club staff and officials who work in the areas adjoining the weigh-room and jockeys rooms, and adherence to all club or NZTR COVID raceday requirements.
If you have questions about these requirements, please contact Martin Burns (0275 110 348) or Jockeys may also contact NZJA Executive Officer Andrew Lacy.