NZTR COVID-19 Update
Transitioning to a vaccinated economy
NZTR is considering the implications for Thoroughbred racing arising from the Government’s COVID Protection Framework announced today. We understand that more detail is to be announced in coming weeks, potentially including pathways for travel in and out of areas currently subject to movement restrictions, and we will communicate our view as soon as we fully understand what those announcements mean for our participants and our racing programme as the new ‘traffic light’ system comes into effect sometime after early December.
It is clear, however, that vaccination rates will be critical both in transitioning to the new Framework and for attendance at thoroughbred racing events. There is no longer any excuse – the single most important thing anybody can do now to ensure our sport thrives into the future is to get vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as possible.
Waikato Alert Level restrictions
The continuing boundary within the Waikato remains in place at least until midnight next Wednesday October 27. For the racing and training of Thoroughbreds, the government restrictions allow people who are required to work, to cross into the Waikato Alert Level 3 area from an Alert Level 2 area to businesses that are ‘open’ in Alert Level 3. Therefore for example, persons based in Matamata can travel to work at Te Rapa races or Cambridge trials, or even to ride trackwork. However because racing is not a ‘permitted business’ under the government’s Health Order, people within the Alert Level 3 area are not permitted to work in an Alert Level 2 area.
NZTR acknowledges the difficulties that arise for participants in continuing their training and racing activities. As was announced this morning, the government has signalled that work is underway with regard to inter-regional movements for vaccinated workers under the future COVID Protection Framework.
Travel Subsidy Extended
NZTR is extending a travel subsidy for Waikato trainers to assist with additional staff and travel costs that they are faced with as a result of travel restrictions under Alert Level 3.
- The subsidy is $200 per runner.
- The subsidy is effective from 4 October for trainers based in Raglan, Te Kauwhata, Huntly, Ngāruawāhia, Hamilton City and 8 October for trainers based in the Waitomo District, including Te Kuiti, Waipa District and Ōtorohanga District. Affected trainers may apply for backdated payments.
- The subsidy will apply where trainers in the above regions have raced or trialled their horses at a racecourse which is operating under Level 2 restrictions. The subsidy will not be payable for a trainer’s horses which are racing out of a satellite stable situated in a Level 2 region.
- NZTR will pay the subsidy to the trainers on a fortnightly basis.
- Trainers must opt in and apply to tyler.mcrobie@nztr.co.nz